
Jul 18, 2004 23:08

i am forever leaving livejournal, atleast for now. but for if i do come back, this LJ will be waiting for me! haha..

i'm back to xanga... people on there don't seem to be as bitchy and rude.. no offence... some of you rock.

ya'll know my sn.. IM me.

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Comments 5

firefaerie7 July 18 2004, 20:24:50 UTC
well i'll miss you. hope you'll come back at some point in time.


xemoxchickxx July 18 2004, 20:43:12 UTC
haha thanks katy!!!!



firefaerie7 July 18 2004, 20:46:10 UTC
you're welcome. talk to you online when i get the chance. :D


hellogoodbye012 July 22 2004, 07:22:38 UTC
JORDAAAAAAAAN!!!ill miss u! lol, but i get to see you in a few days...JOY!!!!!!!! WHOOT!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!

heres a random promotion, even though your not here.

join fuckingxbeauty_


how_far July 22 2004, 18:58:12 UTC


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