I have many skills....

Jan 24, 2008 21:55


Name: Karen

Age: 20

Likes: Anime, art, piano music, opera, foreign languages, my cat, France, Italy, pearls, the color pink, designer labels, fashion, clubbing

Dislikes: Pretention, lizards, onions, forgetting where I left things, people who have no class/social grace, ignorance, homophobia, racism, Miami

Strong points: Talented, creative, assertive, fun, loyal, (bluntly) honest, strong.

Weak points: Mean streak, procrastinator, arrogant, judgemental, snobby, aloof.

Hobbies/Interests/Talents: Acting, writting, knitting, singing, playing the piano, dancing, learning languages, drawing.

Dreams/Goals/Aspirations: To be an actress/writer.

Fears/Phobias: Lizards and heights.

Willing to accept cross-gendered stamps? Absolutely.

Are you more…

Optimistic or pessimistic? Realistic.

Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.

A leader or a follower? Leader.

A lover or a fighter? Oh, I could go both ways on this one.

Funny or serious? Ditto... some would describe me as hilarious, some claim I have a stick up my ass.

Impulsive or cautious? Too impulsive.

Forgiving or vengeful? Vengeful... but forgiveness IS possible.

Selfish or selfless? Selfish... ish. In general. Except to a select few.


How do you normally react in stressful situations? I freak out at first, then once I'm calm, I start figuring out a means to get out of said sitation. I also indulge a lot by doing pleasant things, such as shopping, grooming, etc.

How do you feel about fighting? Physical? Sure. Why not. Although I'm more likely to strike only after having been struck first. Verbal? I get into one of these... oh... every other week.

How do you feel about the “Greater Good?” HAHAHAHAHAHA... no, really. Um. I don't think I do enough to help, but there are times when I really don't feel as if I could be bothered.

Have you done anything in the past that you regret? I've made it a point in my life to never regret anything. All the things I've experienced (good or bad) have been lessons.

Do you believe in fate/destiny, or do you believe we shape the events in our own lives? I believe each person has several destinies/fates... it's a matter of choosing which path to follow.

Are you easily tempted? To give up my values? Hell no. With material goods or yummy foods? ... Very much so.

How far are you willing to go to protect the ones you love? With my life.

What do you value most in life? My talent, my mind, and the close people I share my life with.

If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I'd make myself less of a procrastinator.

Xena: Warrior Princess

Who is your favorite Xena character and why? Calysto. So evil!

Who is your least favorite Xena character and why? Joxer annoys the fuck out of me.

What is your favorite Xena episode and why? As cheesy as it may sound, Bitter Suite. I have the soundtrack for it and I just love the music.

What is your least favorite Xena episode and why? Can't say that I remember one that I terribly disliked.

Why do you like Xena? Xena was the first female role model I had. She rocks!
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