Name: Robert
Age: 17
Likes: Anime, food, video games, music, getting what I want, drawing, TV.
Dislikes: Loud music, stupid/obnoxious people, vegetables, being told what to do, spending money, having to work, Boobah.
Strong points: Persuasive, math, curious, reasonable, down-to-earth, good at getting along with people, easy-going.
Weak points: Lazy, easily distracted, picky.
Hobbies/Interests/Talents: Piano, drawing, soccer, basketball,
Dreams/Goals/Aspirations: I want happiness and money, preferably at the same time. XD
Fears/Phobias: Dirty diapers.
Willing to accept cross-gendered stamps? Yuppers.
Are you more…
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic.
Introverted or extroverted? More towards introverted. I'm a shy guy.
A leader or a follower? Leader.
A lover or a fighter? Fighter.
Funny or serious? Yes.
Impulsive or cautious? Cautiously impulsive.
Forgiving or vengeful? Vengeful liek whoa. o.o
Selfish or selfless? Selfless-ish.
How do you normally react in stressful situations? I go somewhere I can be alone for a while.
How do you feel about fighting? Well, it's fun when it's not serious.
How do you feel about the “Greater Good?” It doesn't exist and probably never will.
Have you done anything in the past that you regret? Hasn't everyone?
Do you believe in fate/destiny, or do you believe we shape the events in our own lives? NOES.
Are you easily tempted? Nope.
How far are you willing to go to protect the ones you love? Very, very far.
What do you value most in life? Life itself.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? My financial situation.
Xena: Warrior Princess
Who is your favorite Xena character and why? Joxer, because he ish T3h Mighty.
Who is your least favorite Xena character and why? The bunny from In Sickness and in Hell. After all, it must be bunnies.
What is your favorite Xena episode and why? Fins, Femmes, and Gems is pretty much the funniest episode ever.
What is your least favorite Xena episode and why? Tsunami was horrible. It was a blatant movie ripoff, and it wasn't entertaining in the least.
Why do you like Xena? It's funny and it's epic and just generally awesome.