Rich Text editor, don't fail me now! (EDIT: It did. Lots.)
I snagged a sooper fun meme from the lovely
List your 5 favourite TV shows and answer the questions.
1) Supernatural
2) Glee
3) Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
4) Star Trek: The Next Generation
5) Firefly
Who is your favourite character in 1?
Oh, man. I love SamnDean both with equal passion, but since I’m a card-carrying Sam!girl, I’ll go with Sam Winchester.
Who is your least favourite character in 2?
Mr. Schuester. He’s a bad educator and a douchebag. And a man!whore. In the un-good way.
What’s your favourite episode of 4?
There are SO MANY great episodes, but I think I’ll choose I, Borg. Rewatching it recently reminded me of why it is my favorite. First, I’m a sucker for the inhuman-being-with-feelings trope, and Hugh’s struggle with comprehending individuality is riveting. I especially enjoy the reactions of the crew members to Hugh’s arrival. Geordi likes him quickly and easily (as he is wont to do with human analogs), Guinan hates him due to the Borg’s genocide of her people, and Picard avoids him because he reminds him of the violation of becoming Borg himself. The Enterprise crew have a chance to destroy the entirety of the Borg, by implanting an unsolvable puzzle into Hugh’s consciousness that will eventually cycle through the Collective and shut them down. In the end though, they decide not to do it because they refuse to let this newly-found individual be the downfall of his race. Instead they offer to let Hugh stay with them and to grant him asylum, despite the inevitable threat it would be to the ship. With that action, the crew exhibits the kind of evolved humanity that Roddenberry sought to present with the entire Star Trek franchise. Brilliant.
What is your favourite season of 5?
Hahaha, um… the first one? Whoever cancelled this show should be held accountable for their crimes!
What’s your favourite ship in 3?
This is my only fandom in which I do not have an OTP. I sailed a lot of ships: Spike/Buffy, Spike/Xander, Spike/Dawn, Spike/Joyce, Xander/Angel, Xander/Buffy, Giles/Willow, Buffy/Tara, and more. However, in honor of the ljer formerly known as xanzpet, I’ll choose Xander/Riley. The very first fanfic I ever wrote was this pairing, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Who is your anti-ship In 2?
Anti-ship? I don’t really have one. I’m pretty open to ‘ships in general, as long as the author convinces me of their validity. I guess one I couldn’t do would be Kurt/Burt. Just, no.
How long have you watched 1?
I started watching the show in summer of 2008. I was neck-deep in Buffy fandom and found that one of my favorite authors had written a crossover fic slashing Spike with some guy named Dean. I told the author how much I liked the fic and these two brothers that were running around in it. The author basically told me, “If you don’t watch Supernatural, then you are an idiot.” I rented the first disc of season 1 shortly thereafter and was HOOKED. I got all caught up, mainlining seasons 1 - 3 during the summer, and was ready for season 4 in the fall.
How did you become interested in 3?
Haha, I had a strange relationship with the movie when I was a child. The movie version of Buffy gave me terrible nightmares for MONTHS, despite it not being scary in the least. When the show with the same name came on, I was intrigued. The first ep I saw was Teacher’s Pet and I never missed another episode.
Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Well, since actor is different than character (my fave character has changed throughout the years), I’m going to go with Patrick Stewart. He was fantastic.
Which show do you prefer out of 1, 2, or 5?
My heart says SPN.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Buffy, but only because they haven’t made as many SPN episodes yet, I don’t think.
How would you kill off your favourite character in 2?
OH NO. It’s hard to pick a favorite between Blaine and Kurt, but since I’m such a Blaine!stan, I’ll go with him. I think his death would have to be super tragic, like from terminal illness or something. Something that would have Kurt at his bedside, holding it together on the outside but a mess on the inside. He would have so many walls up that I doubt anyone could reach him. That would make for such TRAGEDY.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I’m going with Data. His abilities and memory capacity alone would make life easier. I would like to keep my (sometimes troublesome) emotions, though.
Give a random quote from 1.
“We’re not working for the mandroid!”
Would a 3/4 crossover work?
I think Joss could make it work, because he can make anything work. But seeing the Buffy characters on the bridge of the Enterprise? Seems unlikely.
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I’m gonna cheat and answer that for #3… Faith/Riley, because it makes SO MUCH SENSE
Overall, which show has a better cast, 3 or 5?
JOSSVERSE SHOWDOWN. I’ll go with Buffy, because they had longer to settle into the roles and really embody the characters. If Firefly had had more years, it would be ON.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
While Glee has tons of music, it doesn’t have a theme. Plus, ST:TNG’s theme kicks ass. The FRENCH HORNS!
In other news, I've signed up for a big bang! It's a non-fandom specific mpreg big bang (
mpregbb), for which I will be writing a Medieval Klaine AU. I'm excited and terrified, but I think that having something to make me accountable will help motivate me to actually write the damn thing! Wish me luck!