Stolen from Taliatoennien who got it from rowan_d
1. Star sign:
Aries...not to be confused with Ares.
2. Are you single or taken?
VERY taken, thank you!
3. Eye colour:
Blue, but can be green sometimes too.
4. Height:
5'4 1/2- and yes the half an inch is important!
6. What's your middle name, and why?
Elizabeth, after my Grandmother (Mary Elizabeth)
7. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
If I were drafted, unwillingly? Yes I would survive because I'd be hiding out in Canada. If it was a war I believed in, I would fight to the death if need be.
8. What colour is your underwear today?
None! :)
9. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I don't have a TV in my bedroom, but I used to, just for comfort. Usually Harry Potter on DVD.
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
About a month ago...I love baths!
12. Who can you always turn to?
Leigh, almost always. Sometimes some friends. And rarely, nobody.
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
14. Do you talk in your sleep?
Not that I know of, but I snore if I'm on my back and sometimes I drool.
15. What’s your current desktop pic?
Lucretia from Spartacus! Looking HOT!
16. Deep sleeper?
Not usually...I'm a mom. I can go from REM sleep to my kids bedside in 5.2 seconds.
17. Do other people think you’re hot? the past some people did...Leigh does now (freak!).
18. Are you missing someone right now?
Yes! Leigh! and Noah.
19. When was the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it?
This morning (Leigh)
20. What was the last sport you played?
Does bowling count? I don't do sports.
21. How are you feeling today?
Ok so far...bit down.
23. Ever been bitten by someone?
Yes, in a good way
24. Ever bitten someone?
Yes, in a good way. :)
25. What’s the worst thing about the opposite sex?
Most men don't emotionally relate in the way I'd like them to.
26. What’s on the floor of your wardrobe?
Dust bunnies, shoes, boxes, blankets
27. What was the last thing you had in your mouth?
28. What is your life motto?
Carpe Diem!
29. What are you looking forward to?
Money this week. And hopefully someday soon being with Leigh again...
30. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes...but I doubt I'd fit now.
31. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places?
Keys, wallet, phone
32. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
Leigh! And a few celebs- Lucy, Renee and Alice.
33. How often do you talk on the phone?
My phone rings a hundred times a day. I rarely actually want to talk to any of them.
34. What do you do when no one is watching?
Like I'd tell you!
35. Is there something you want that you can't have?
Yes- to be able to legally marry my sweetheart and have her move here to be with me.
36. Three things about the opposite sex that you first notice: Um...I don't usually.
37. Where is your phone?
In my bedroom
38. What was the last alcoholic thing you drank?
Vodka and Cherry Coke
39. What's your favourite colour?
My favorite color? (lol @ the spelling)I love lots of colorful things...but I guess I'd go with pink, overall.
40. Last movie in cinema you watched?
Valentines Day, on Valentines Day, with Leigh
41. What song do you currently hear?
None...I'm not hearing any voices (yet) either...
42. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
43. What shampoo do you use?
I love Aussie Brand
44. Eldest, Middle, Youngest or Only Child?
Middle...and it shows
45. Who do you admire?
This one is hard...I admire people who are brave, stand up for what is right even when its hard.
46. What makes you happiest?
Being with Leigh, my kids, friends.
47. What do you hate?
Ignorance, narrow mindedness, self righteousness, arrogance.
48. Your perfect Man/Woman?
Woman- and I already have her
49. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
Many things. Weight, finances, living situation
50. Best kind of party?
a gay party!
51. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Married to Leigh, living in our own home, working as a therapist? Or who has a way of throwing curve balls.
52. Alcoholic drink?
53. Shots?
Slippery Nipple! (Crown Whiskey, Kahlua, Baileys)
54. Aftershave/Perfume?
For myself? White Musk, or Warm Vanilla Sugar lotion from Bath and Body
55. Film?
If I could only watch one movie for the rest of my life...Anne of Green Gables.
56. Actress?
Lucy Lawless
57. Actor?
Tom Hanks
58. Place?
Anywhere with my loved ones.
59. Number?
7 and 4
60. Month?
61. Ice-cream?
Haagen Daas Coffee ice-cream!
62. Day of the year?
Christmas! SANTA!
63. Flower?
***HAVE YOU EVER... ***
64. Flown a kite?
Yes, many times, especially in Washington
65. Eaten dog food? mother took pictures too
66. Drunk milk straight out of the carton?
Yeah when I was I get mad if people do it
67. Won a spelling bee?
No...but I'm a good speller
68. Been in the opposite sex's bathroom?
Yes, many times- the guys bathroom in lesbian bars are usually empty. :)
69. Made out with someone in front of a cheering crowd?
Not that I can recall...
70. Been in love?
71. Broken a bone?
72. Sang on stage?
Yes, in a few plays as a kid
73. Fallen off your chair?
Yes, more than once (including when I was talking to Leigh on skype)
74. Got your tongue stuck to a frozen pole Nope! I grew up in Arizona.
75. Bungee jumped?
No, and never plan to! I'm not risking my life trusting a cord.
76. Skinny dipped?
Yes, and I recommend everyone try it at least once in their life. It is the most freeing experience ever!
77. Flashed someone?
oh yeah. :D
78. Cried to get out of trouble?
No, but a few times it didn't hurt my case.
79. Played strip poker?
Yes. I lost.
80. Kissed someone you didn’t know?
Well I knew them (sort of) after we kissed.
81. Been on a plane?
Yes many times...I don't have as intense a fear of it anymore but I'm not thrilled about flying.
82. Come close to dying?
Possibly...been in a few tight scrapes. I had a complicated childbirth delivery with Noah.
83. Swam in the ocean?
Yes, lots, in Mexico and in India! Naked even.
84. Ever had stitches?
Yes- my finger, my thigh, my knee, and...well, see question # 82.
85. Ever been hospitalized?
Yes...but I'm feeling muchhh better nowwww. *maniacal laugh*
86. Night or day?
Night. I’m a total night owl.
87. Sun or Rain? Sun…I discovered I don’t do well without frequent sunshine. But I love the rain too.
88. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Not currently but I have as an adult.
89. Most prized possession?
Material item? Photographs of my children
90. Good Dancer?
No, ug! I don’t dance.
91. Had someone besides your family tell you they loved you?
Yes, many people
92. How many piercings do you have?
93. Name 5 items you are wearing:
Sneakers, sweatpants, pink t-shirt, glasses, socks
94. Any tattoos?
Nope, I’m ink-free
95. What type of drunk are you?
Um…depends! I can be a happy funny drunk or a miserable depressed drunk.
96. Do you like yourself?
97. Air kisses or hugs?
98. Person you kissed:
99. Person you hugged:
100. Thing you bought:
Vodka and Cherry Coke
101. Person who texted you:
Not sure…
102. Time you showered?
103. Did you send this to your crush?
Yes. To Leigh
104. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
In the past, not usually. If I didn’t know them at all and wasn’t sure if they liked me, then probably.
105. What are you thinking?
Too many things, all of them depressing. Money, how to get Leigh here, family stress, school work.
106. The best way to let someone know you like them is to...
Kiss them! No, I don’t know. Flirt shamelessly.
107. You know I like you if:
I talk to you, IM/email you, I’m not hard to read.
108. Do you like marmite?
Eww, gross!
109. How much money do you usually have on you?
Never enough.
110. Where do you want to get married?
Let’s deal with the fact that I can’t get married first.
111. Do you speak any other languages?
A bit of Spanish and Hindi…and Latin. Well, pig Latin.
112. What do you want to do in life?
Love, and be loved.
113. Would you rather die in a fire or drown?
How about neither?
114. Would you rather give or receive a massage?
Give…I love giving massages and I’m told I am pretty good at it.
115. Is there a Tom on your friends list?
116. Have you kissed anyone on your friends list?
Not my LJ friends list (which consists of about 3 people)
117. How many exes are on your friends list?
None on LJ
118. Do you hold grudges?
I can be very forgiving. I can also hold a serious grudge, for a lifetime at times.
119. How many people on your friends list have you been drunk with?
One, but she wasn’t drunk- just me and some other friends.