I'm having a love affair with Lady Gaga's new album Born this way. Complete, smitten, infatuated, twitterpated, head over feet, heart wrenching CRUSH.
Every day I listen to it and hear the songs, and every day something new will grab me about a song- a lyric, a beat, a note, her voice.
read below for more utter squees and embarrassing confessions:
The way that Americano makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs and shout for joy at that feeling of falling in love (with a girl, no less!),
the way ScheiBe makes me want to kneel down at her black boots and worship and clean them with my tongue,
the way that Marry the Night makes me want to go for a drive in my car out into the desert at night, drink some wine and look up at the stars,
the way that Hair gives me an eargasm the first 15 seconds, and then makes me feel 14 and rebellious and free all over again,
how the Edge of Glory makes me just....soar,
how Born this way makes me believe in myself again and feel like anything is possible,
and that The Queen makes me cry at how much she gives to us and how proud I am of her, even with her imperfections, and how I know I am in the presence of a Queen.
Judas is still my favorite, especially the video...I love Government Hooker, and heavy Metal Lover, too- every day the songs are growing on me and taking on new meaning.
Anyway, um...there is my mandatory Gaga *squee* for the night! Thanks for indulging my infatuation. :)
I feel like a tongue tied, idiotic 15 year old boy right now. *is a dork*
p.s. this video is amazing...The Edge of Glory, live, just Gaga and the piano. It's really moving...watch!
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