From a "Utah Mormon"

Dec 13, 2009 23:31

Okay. I am sick and tired of being called a "Utah Mormon" as if it were something bad.

What do people usually see "Utah Mormon" as meaning? Well, it varies from person to person, but usually it's bad. Usually people using the term "Utah Mormon" use it to mean a person of the LDS faith who they view as inflexible, odd, overzealous, "Goody-two shoes," judgemental, just-plain-mental, under-traveled, over-opinionated, snobbish, blind-faithers, Party-only Republican...the list goes on and on.

Let me set the record straight: I grew up in Utah. I have always lived in Utah, and have never had the money to go to other places, so I have never been outside the United States. I have only ever been outside of Utah on rare vacations. All right? So I guess I should be a "Utah Mormon!" But I get so darned TIRED of people putting it down!

Are some people in Utah (especially Utah county) overzealous? Yes! Are some of us strange? Yes! But so are some of you! Do we know what it's like to live outside Utah where not everyone is LDS? No! But we do know what it's like to live in a place where some people claim to still be members of the church and play around in shades of gray, just like in other churches. We know what it's like to hear so many darned theories from people who deviate about what's actually "allowed" so as to be really confused, just like in other churches. We know what it's like to come up against people who come to the "capitol of Mormonism" to protest us, and what it's like to deal with people who, for whatever reason, are so sick of Mormons living in this state that they seem to hate us on sight! We, too, endure "Mormon" jokes and ridicule. Is it equal to what anyone outside of Utah has experienced? I don't know. I'm not them, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But I ask that they would do the same! Just because I haven't been to France/Brazil/whatever because MY FAMILY HAS NO MONEY shouldn't make my opinions automatically invalid!

Are some people in Utah county inflexible as to their standards? Yes. Actually, I am that way. But you know what, I've tried deviating outside my standards. I'm not proud of it, but I didn't hold to my own standards (notice I said MY standards, not the Church's standards, we'll get to that). It was awful, and I am GLAD for my commitment to be strong and immovable in regards to my standards of who I will date, what I will watch, what I will eat or drink, etc! It keeps me happy! And honestly, I've seen and heard from people who haven't held to their standards, seen what their lives are like! As much as I love them, my heart aches for them! I am GLAD to be where I am, and living the way I do!

This leads me to the "blind faith" thing. Okay, some people follow church standards simply because "they told us to." Some people vote republican just's republican. This happens in other faiths, other places, and with other political parties. But guess what?! Being a Utah Mormon does not mean I do not have a brain, okay? I do think about things, I do consider things based on my own experience, as well as church doctrine and republican rhetoric! THEN I make a decision! Maybe my experiences don't match up with yours, maybe I'm not as liberal as you are, but my opinions are just as valid as yours, peffitall! You have no right to just tell me I'm following standards and voting blindly. I give you the benefit of the doubt as to your voting practices and your standards because I'm not here to judge and I don't know what your experiences have been, but I deserve the same courtesy!

I'm tired of being afraid to express my opinion lest I be chastised for being a "typical Utah Mormon." I'm tired of being afraid to express that I feel uncomfortable with language or behavior lest I be told I'm being too sensitive or judgmental like a "Utah Mormon." I'm tired of being afraid to defend my friends' or family's opinions on things (some things, I'm more than willing to admit they're weird on occasion) because people consider it a typical "Utah Mormon" opinion and are unwilling to give us the same benefit of the doubt I would give them. Honestly, I like who I am! And who I am, like it or not, is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ("Mormon") who was born and raised in Utah!

As you can see, it's not as much the phrase itself I object to, it's the stigmatization attached to the idea of a Mormon who was raised in Utah. So please, next time you start talking about Utah Mormons...think. Okay? Because as much as I try to be really nice and turn the other cheek...there is only so much a person can take. I may not just sit and feel sick inside next time.

You may think this is selfish, you may not care about my feelings or opinions. You may just want to be rude or think that it's just your "nature." I'm just asking for a little consideration. I'm tired of being the only one considering. If you're a stranger and don't know me, fine. You just keep doing whatever, be rude, I can't really do anything about it. But if you consider yourself my friend, friendship is a two-way street. If I'm being considerate of your should do the same, or at least try.'re not a friend. You're someone who is taking advantage of my friendship.
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