Увидела на Yahoo и нагло стащила к себе. Это, по их версии, лучше всего одетые сборные. По непонятным причинам, наша сборная не входит в топ-12 %))
Team USA looked dapper in their navy Ralph Lauren sportcoats and white berets.
Team Great Britain arguably had the best uniforms of the night: simple navy suits with white jackets and matching belts
The Aussies opted for comfy sandals instead of formal footwear. (ничего, ЮАР были в зеленых крокс)
The Swiss channeled a skateboarder look.
The Spanish women's bright yellow jackets matched their enthusiam.
The Spanish men stood out in glowing red suits and matching shoes.
The fashion-forward French women donned berets, and trendy leather wraps.
The Georgian delegation kept cool in all white.
Argentina also opted for white with light-blue stitching.
Team Italy made a bold choice: tailored jackets and cargo pants.
The Germans were also decked out in grey and white. The water polo accessories were unofficial.
Team Netherlands' orange ties popped against their grey suits.