Character Avatars.

Apr 02, 2011 23:23

So what do you get when you get a bored Xennie with a day off and a newly discovered avatar website.... a bunch of cute avatars, including my OCs from the Blood Series  :D

EDIT: Torchwood Characters now added

Xennie Avatars:

The fantasy Xennies:  Assassin,  Centaur,  Elf,  Fairy,  Vampire,  Werewolf  and  Witch.



Torchwood and Doctor Who:
They're not exact but they're as close as I could get them :)

Blood Series' Characters:


Andre on an average day.

How Andre was when he first met Zenia - shoeless and shirtless.
I couldn't resist adding the wolf in the background for the second one :D


Arabella on an average day.

Arabella how she was when she was turned, became the mate of and married Dexter for the first time.


Charles on an average day. (Couldn't get a decent red for his hair but you get the gist, it's long and in a pony tail)

Charles at work.



Dexter on an average day, but I also did a Dexter on the average day during the year that never was.

Dexter in his Uniform from before he fell through time from the late 51st century into the past.


Ifan on an average day.

Ifan before he was turned by rogue Pirask and save by Zenia.

(Marcus was briefly in YoB, he took the Doctor to visit Jack before Sophia killed him with her sword thinking he was Jack's mate. He'll probably be around a bit more in later stories.)

Marcus on an average day.

Marcus in his Uniform from before he fell through time from the late 51st century into the past with Dexter.

(Miss Dexter, evil crazy pirask working with Saxon)

Sophia on an average day

Sophia in her Uniform from before she fell through time from the late 51st century into the past with Dexter and Marcus, she doesn't were a hat because she's only a cadet..


Yep I did one for Taffy, meet Ianto's spunky twin sister.


Zenia on an average day.

Zenia how she was before Arabella and Dexter turned her.

So now you have a visual of them straight from my head rather than me finding celebs who come close, are any of them how you pictured them?

The website I used to make them is:    Gaia Dream Avatar
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graphics: avatars, fic series: blood series: 02 year, fic series: blood series, graphics: fic related

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