ahaha! Grahf is a wildman.
Anyways, kinda new here! I've been a big Xeno fan since, well, Xenogears way back in '98. (Oh that was a great year of gaming!) I'm more of a Xenogears fan than Xenosaga, but don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Xenosaga games!
Names - Nell
Age - 20
Favorite Color - Blue, green, BLUE-GREEN! Wahoo.
Astrological Sign - Cancer (July 21)
Weapon of Choice - A sword. Preferably a Rapier, it's light, has both good offense and defence and it's a very stylish weapon.
List a few of your strengths - Artistic, Optimistic, Random (I guess that could count as a weakness too...), A friend who's there when the going gets tough, Somewhat of a mentor, And I tend to enjoy the smaller things in life.
List a few weaknesses - I can to be a bit lazy at times, viewed somewhat odd and mysterious to people I don't know (aren't we all?) ... and sometimes I can be too confrontational...
A few Questions
What is most important to you? Loyalty. Whether it be friendship, love or whatever fits into that category.
Would you risk your life for a total stranger? Possibly, but only if risking my life changed that person in someway, hopefully in a good way.
Do you trust anyone? Oh no. Trust is something that grows overtime. But I guess there are some chances when that could happen, very slim though...