+Call me: arshad/luke/genie/crazy/etc..
+Age: 19.5
+Height: 5'2"
+Hair Color: black
+Eye Color: brown, almost black i guess
+Location: what's something slick to put here? ah, fuck it...edison, nj
+Fear(s): heights[good thing i'm short, hehe], the dark, ghosts, crime, gettin hit in the nutsack/shaft, girls, friends, etc.
+Peed in your pants? not that i recall
+Cheated on someone? on a test..? no..i've never been on a date, let alone had someone to cheat on.
+Fallen off the bed? no...or yes...or i could be imagining falling off my bed..?
+Fallen for a relative? fuck no
+Had plastic surgery? No..i totally disrespect it.
+Failed a grade? As in a grade in school? No. As in ever gotten an F? well, i got kicked out of rutgers, is my most recent F...before that? maybe a bad test or two w/ the bitch i had for an algebra 2 teacher[who had US teach her a few things...]
+Broke someone's heart? not that i know of, no one tells me that shit anyway.
+Had your heart broken? heart? thought it wasn't possible, but yes..now it really isn't very possible anymore, i would think.
+Had a dream come true? Not literally, or the world would be kinda weird...but then again...it would mean i'd've had the chance to be friends with Johnny Depp....
+Had Sex? Virgins are me...i'm so virgin, i'm more than one! =P
+Done something you regret? unfortunately, it's hard to escape regret... =P
+Cheated on a test? uh, nah. too lazy for that shit.
+Broken a body part? No. too lazy to deal with pain.
+Wearing: .... no literally, i was wearing that ellipses; i need it back. it's freakin after 4am! gimme a break! actually, socks[in this weather?!] and boxers and my glasses[for the first time in months, instead of contacts]
+Eating: Not right now, but i just finished a fat bitch with honey mustard a lil while ago. Cinderella fought me for it, hehe
+Feeling: umm...yeah, i don't tell people how i feel, unless they ask. this survey isn't asking, it's me volunteering information. ask me if you wanna know.
+Reading: the stuff in this survey so i can put stuff down for it, and my responses to make sure they make some sort of sense..
+Located: my bedroom
+Chatting with: no one...although Sin just signed off, and Di just went for a jog, and someone else has let me down yet again.
+Watching: my screen. wishing i had a half inch thick flatscreen hdtv at least 24 inches to have for a monitor...well, that was being literal. before this? was usin the pc to watch some anime[Naruto, if you're interested]
+Craving: been cravin some chinese for about 2 weeks, and some italian for about a week...and some other stuff that i forgot to keep in mind for this thing...
+Should really: asleep 5 hours ago.
+Brush your teeth? yes
+Like anyone? don't i always? =P no one in particular at the moment, just got over a crush recently though. life would be dull w/o stuff like that, wouldn't it? =P
+Have any piercings? no...kinda want some though...
+Drive? Yes
+Believe in Santa Claus? i dunno...maybe...
+Ever get off the damn computer? not that much, when watchin anime, or waiting for/expecting an IM and all...
+Who is your best? umm, dunno, between them...Right now, prob Cin
+Who is the loudest? J, by far
+Who is the shyest? uh, i guess Christine..? BK's def shy..maybe him...
+Who is the hottest? i dunno...Di's got an awesome body and nice face, J too..i'd fuck them. there's also SteveR...oh, yeah, of the girls, hmmm, Nadia, she's the one brown person i'd ever consider fucking, and Mer's kinda got a great body and pretty face... i dunno what they mean hot, i don't really like the term. i rate things by beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, and cute....so, hmm, a lot of hot friends i guess?
+Who laughs the most? not sure, we all have a lot of good laughs together.
+Who have you known the longest? Di for sure
+Do you only hang out with a certain type? no, i try to keep it eclectic
+Do you belong to a group? umm, no, i'm not much of a singer.
+Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah, but girls are confusing.
+Do you consider yourself popular? heeellllllll no
+Do you trust your friends? very few, most of the time
+Are you a good friend? I wanna be
+Can you keep a secret? yeah
+Hugged: Laquann, probably, from when i went to Allison/Mer's last week
+IMed: Di, Sin was the last to im me, woo~
+Texted: Christine most likely. will almost definitely get rid of texting soon though.
+Talked to on the phone: Christine, although i called the theater tryin for Minerva.
+Yelled at: my sister
+What to do you want to be when you grow up? this questions for little kids, isn't it? well, i wanna be useful and self actuating and self sustaining.
+What was the worst day of your life? I've had a few bad ones. not sure which i'd say is the worst, and i'm sure the worst is yet to come. prom night, my party before i hosted CKim's surprised bday party, gettin kicked out of ru, gettin fired, and the time my OM team lost at state senior year rank pretty high.
+What is your most embarrassing story? why would i tell you guys that? shiiiit, i conveniently forgot, lol
+What has been the best day of your life? hmm...i don't remember.
+What comes first in your life? The people I care about
+Do you have a boyfriend/crush? whoa, what if had a gf? i mean, i could still want a bf, but still...well, we already went over the crush deal, right? i'm lookin for a new crush =P
+What are you most scared of? penises
+What do u usually think of before you go to bed? haha, you don't wanna know *wink*
+Movie: i have a few...right now i can't wait until ButterFly Effect comes out on dvd
+Song: pretty much any song from No Doubt::Tragic Kingdom
+Group: ever: No Doubt, for makin me fall in love with music to start with
+Store: best buy, i guess
+Relative: hmm...i guess my uncle Bob
+Sport: does weightlifting count? if not, i always liked to play soccer.
+Vacation spot: hmm, we don't get to vacation all too much, and it doesn't feel like it much, with my dad around...
+Ice cream flavor: hmmm, probably anything, as long as i have a cherry on top, and hot chocolate and caramel on it!
+Fruit: tomatoes! and bananas, and pears!
+Car: Lamborghini Diablo!!!!
+Magazine: hustler?? lol, j/k it's wizard.
+Day of the week: there are no days of the week to a jobless college kid on summer vacation!!
+Color: anything but brown and most shades of yellow aren't my thing...otherwise, i'm pretty open.
+Name for a girl: Asi'ya
+Name for a boy: Damien
+Like to give hugs? hell yeah
+Like to walk in the rain? yeah...but i much rather walk in a T-storm
+Sleep with or without clothes on? with...or without...i'm fine with either, i guess
+Prefer black or blue pens? whatever is there
+Dress up for halloween? only for the past 2 halloweens
+Have a job? nope
+Like to travel? love it, especially if i'm not driving...
+Sleep on your side, tummy or back? usually my side, you stalker
+Think your attractive? fuck no!
+Want to marry? kinda, not anymore i guess
+Have a goldfish? yep...if they're alive is another question.
+Ever had the falling dream? yeah, i do the motions that wake me up from it at least...
+Have stuffed animals? yes
+Go on vacation? not really
+Abortion: eh, i think it's only as a last resort, like if it was part of rape, otherwise it's immoral, and your goddam mistake.
+Bill Clinton: good guy i guess....bad taste in women, but hey, i could use some head too.
+South Park: Stupid. waste of my life to even think of why to not like it.
+Summer: I love the sweltering heat.
+Tattoos: i think of my Uncle Eddie...cool guy, great artist, even cooler w/ tattoos, lol. they can be pretty cool, i'd like one sometime.
+Piercing: same as tattoos, only i'm more likely to get a tattoo.
+Drinking: makes me thirsty...after new years, i think i've given up.