Pertinent Facts
Name: Nicole
Age: I’d like to keep you guessing.
Rating Requests: I’d love to be stamped again, but it’s mostly for the purpose of a) keep the community alive and b) to see what other opinions there are out there with our new members. So, if it’s possible, may I still be Gaignun on the official lists? [I wouldn’t say no to being stamped as Nigredo again either]
Personality Questions
What are your likes/dislikes?:
Likes: Piano, Classical Music, Theatrical Speech, Those with will and purpose, Starting over again, Midnight, Tea, Old English China, Ancient Literature, Books, the Stars in the sky, Walking, Dim Lights, Candles, Toying with People, A few close friends, Lolicon, Lolita, Dr. Fu Manchu, Fantasy, Japan,
Dislikes: Physical exertion, My Mental Health Problems, God, Satan, Religion, Humanity, Unlocked Doors, Most Foods, Most People,
What are your fears/dreams?:
Fears: That I will never complete my goals, that people will continue to push me until I snap, That I will have another psychotic episode, That I will end up hurting someone that I never wanted to hurt, That I will be abusive, That that someone special to me will throw me away,
Dreams: That I will continue to be there for her, never the focus of her affections, but there, and that she will continue to support me, for all the fear I have in my heart. That I will rise to the occasion each and every time. That I will find tolerance someday. That I will be a university professor of history!
What are your favourite hobbies?:
Observing others, reading, playing piano,
What are your pet peeves?:
I can’t stand it when people try to relate to me [I must be an entity to and of myself!]; other than that it’s just minor things like locked doors and windows, I’m a little paranoid.
Are you a leader or a follower?:
Neither. I follow no one but myself, but I’m not really one to go around leading people. Unless guiding people from the shadows counts, that I do. [my poor unsuspecting victims]
Describe your personality:
Sometimes I’d like to think of myself as humanities saviour, but in reality I play the villain. Cold, unemotional, Smiles and cruelty, and a deep seated sadness and anger in my heart. I like to watch, observe, learn as much as I can, and exploit them if necessary. I can’t take the pressure to be part of society, I’m obsessive, predictable, and fairly even-tempered, unless I brush into insanity. I’m very private, and have needs for large amounts of secrecy. When I care about some, I’ll devote everything of my being to them. I can be overwhelmingly kind, and really do try to meet them halfway; but I can’t manage their ideals of change, and so I retreat into my pessimistic tendencies again. I’m a great believer in planning, but at the same time I love my freedom. I want to be perceived as being enigmatic or mysterious.
What would you do if you found $100 on the side of the road and didn't know who it belonged to?:
Take it, invest it.