Can someone help me?

Jul 06, 2005 08:08

For IB scores, is it that our higher levels have to AVERAGE 4? or we have to get 4 or higher?

yeah..guess who got a 3 in Biology. omg. yet it says i got my diploma

guess who didn't study for biology.

argh. of course it comes and bites me in the butt.

lesson learnt: study for your tests.

EDIT: luckily i managed to rack up enough points though.

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Comments 3

ikenator July 6 2005, 19:21:40 UTC
i am yet to learn that lesson


justin_beast July 6 2005, 22:30:48 UTC
i heard Falling Up - Escalates on the radio (102.7FM i think)
and now im stuck on Falling Up again
repeat: ON!


deesweetee July 7 2005, 01:38:39 UTC
shoot. seriously? average of 4 on all HIGHER level exams?? damn. i highly doubt it.

congrats though! i mean..i'm sure it's congratulations! (on getting your diploma. thus mcmaster's right?) =)


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