Title: Do I Know You?
Pairing(s): Roxas/Olette, Sora/Olette
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II
Summary: In an odd twist of fate, Roxas starts to become the more dominant half of Sora, even if he is doomed to be a Nobody. The transformation in itself is taking its toll on the keyblade weilder, especially when he meets Olette again.
Disclaimer: Nero doesn't own Kingdom Hearts II. don't sue. you won't get anything from me.
It was sunset when Sora, Donald, and Goofy had arrived at Twilight Town again. Unexpectedly, it was Goofy who suggested they return to check up on Hayner, Pence, and Olette, not to mention to town's inhabitants; Sora, Donald, and Goofy were the only ones who had so far caught a glimpse of the Nobodies that were running all over the place.
"...Where could they be?!" Sora questioned no one in particular, but seemed to get an answer from Donald.
"Relax Sora, I'm sure they're here and safe." the duck quacked. Goofy walked ahead of them, looking toward the station exit, and spotted Pence.
"Hey! Over there!" he finally said, directing Sora and Donald's attention to the approaching Pence. Sure enough, Hayner and Olette were right alongside him.
"Olette..." Sora spoke softly, his voice rather long and distant. His blue eyes saddened considerably and his fists clenched slightly; he couldn't stop staring at her! Why was that?! He felt a quick jolt of pain in his heart and he winced slightly, but made sure that no one else caught a glimpse of it; Goofy worried more than Donald did.
"Nice seein' you guys again!" Hayner greeted, extending his hand to Sora.
Immediately, that classic Sora grin appeared on the brunette's face as he shook Hayner's hand; he felt like he had known Hayner for a while too. Pence was no different...but, how could this be possible? His best friends in the entire world were Riku and Kairi, and currently he was going through hell and high water to find them. Why would he feel close to people he had just met not so long ago?
"We're looking for an old mansion," Donald quacked quickly, wanting to hurry up with the greetings; he believed that finding the king was just as important as finding Riku and Kairi.
"Old Mansion? Well, let's take you guys there!" Pence suggested, leading the way. Donald and Goofy followed along as Hayner walked off after them.
"It feels...nice to be back home again..." Sora mumbled, before mentally bashing himself; home?! His home was Destiny Islands, not Twilight Town! He looked over toward the sunset momentarily, still in disbelief; was he going insane?
"I can't help but... feel like I know you...." Olette spoke suddenly, looking at the brunette.
Sora blinked and found himself blushing under her confused gaze; he felt like he knew her too. "Ah...Uhm..." he stammered.
"Those eyes...they remind me of...his..." she trailed off. Olette saw his face...but she couldn't remember his name...what was it?! He appeared in her dreams every night, and not once could she remember his name, and when she tried to say it out loud, her heart ached; why was this dream guy doing this to her?! To make matters worse, that dull ache showed itself around Sora too...
And that was when she froze. "...Roxas?!" she blurted.
"...Roxas?" Sora questioned this time, and then suddenly remembered the picture, along with the sea-salt ice cream someone had left him in a white box.
"Roxas, is that you?!" she started again, shaking Sora over and over again.
"Olette, stop shaking me!" Sora whined, nearly falling backward.
Tears had begun to form in Olette's pretty green eyes; he was right here this entire time...inside of Sora...
The pain in her heart intensified momentarily; would her Roxas come back?
"Where did you go?!" she questioned. "I...I.."
It was around this time, that Roxas had taken over; it was just like he had told the projection of DiZ himself: His heart was his alone.
Sora's arms encircled Olette, pulling her smaller frame against his own. "It's alright...don't cry...I never liked it when you cried..." he mumbled, blue eyes closing.
"But...I never got a chance to say goodbye!" Olette cried into his chest
"...I'm not going anywhere." Sora started. "I promise I'll come back..."
"Promise...?" Olette spoke, even though it came out muffled.
"Promise..." Sora replied; for that insant, she could hear Roxas' voice, not just Sora's.
It was then that Goofy turned around, and noted Roxas in Sora's place.
Nero: will there be a continuation? I have no frickin idea. It was random. Very random. Long live my other KH2 OTP.