Title: Public Performances, Private Moments Author: xequth Pairing: Kradam Rating: Soft R Summary: Adam doesn't mind Kris sharing a certain face with the world. Notes: Inspired by this gif. Concrit appreciated.
whoa. That was...wow. I'm...really a little speechless! Damn, Adam is one lucky bench. And even without the sexual part - the way you describe Kris on stage is just...so spot on. It's phenomenal. I love it.
Thanks. Nice to know the sexual element worked well, it was my first attempt as semi-smut. I so wanna know what Kris' reaction would be if someone tells him that he shows his sexface to the world every concert. It'd be hilarious.
Thank you. There will definitely be more fics. Kradam makes my plot-bunnies breed like, well, rabbits. And they always get written instead of various very important essays. This fandom has basically stolen my life.
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My tinhat's convinced me that this has happened. How can anyone not watch Kris perform and realize that is exactly what he looks like in private? :D
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