EQ had a pretty eventful week. There was the usual Dynamis craziness. We squeezed in 4 Bahamuts that dropped 4 scythes!!!!!! We have another set of Bahamuts tonight since we're down to like only 10 monarch orbs. Hopefully these put out better stuff.
Odin was last week and the drop pool was pretty good.
Can't really complain about Ebody and Valhalla Breastplate. In true EQ fashion, neither of the 2 people lotting it out on Ebody broke 200. Grats to Kolokoy on the Ebadi and my balut eating brotha Fist on Valhalla.
On the topic of Einherjar, I got Gleeman's Cape. I think this pretty much finishes all the Ampoule items that I want. The cool thing about Gleeman's is it kinda doubles for Sorc Ring proc, so I was able to sell my Astral Ring. Hoorj for +1 INT and +100k.
Salvage has been OK. We've been getting a bunch of decent drops. Talphon finished Morrigan's Set by getting 35 Head from the flayer and 25 Feet from the boss, so grats to him. I saw a quite uncommon double drop from 5f Zhayolm frog.
Raist got the 35 Skadi Legs, so I can no longer make fun of him for not having them. :( J/K grats, man.
I ended up with the hands which is pretty useless for SAM. At least I have no hands to run in instead of Dusk, I guess. They're also pretty good for when Third Eye goes down, I suppose.
ENMs have been pretty good, as well. My luck is certainly much better than when I was on Titan, but I'm kind of anxious that my luck will run out soon..
I also finally got Walahra Turban after I've been meaning to grab it for months. It's kind of sad that I've waited this long especially considering Ace's Helm is kinda bleh for GKT Samurai, but then again who uses GKT on SAM amirite?
Finally, this last pic is kind of funny to me.
First, let me tell you a story. So a long time ago when we had our original characters, Blackhatchy, Ichthyos and I decided one day that we would farm Ix'MNK until we all had capes. BH was one of those few DRKs who really was into dark magic skill, and I had BLM so the cape was a no brainer (at the time). So we spent many hours farming HQ aern organs, as anyone who has farmed Ix'MNK knows how shitty a drop rate they have. So 20-something pops and 13 deeds later, we gave up and move on to greener pastures.
Fast forward to present day. After Kotan-kor Kamuy, I decided to begin working on another drop and figured I'd take a crack at Ix'MNK again. I needed buffer on my BLM anyway, so I headed to Hu'zxoi and farmed up 4 HQ Aern organs after a few days.
I decided to do a 1 organ pop test run since it's been a while since I've done this, plus last time I had a duo partner so I wanted to make sure I knew how to pop and sac properly by myself. That run went off without a hitch, so I was confident to start 3 organ pops. I decided on 3 organ pops since my linkshell would have use of the deeds and I was certain I'd get a few of them before if/when I got the cape.
So, I did my first 3 organ pop and separated MNK from the adds at the ebon panel room. The fight was your standard RDM DoT kite and went off without a hitch. As MNK died, I was expected to see a deed, but...
I was somewhat surprised as I was fully expecting this to take several weeks. I didn't really want the cape that much for use, though it is useful. I'm actually most excited about getting the highest possible Phalanx DR tier without the use of merits than the Elemental Skill. The Dark Magic is pretty nice, as well.
As far as my next project.. I'm not too sure what to do. The 2 new earrings from the weapons mobs seems kind of interesting, but it's such a minor upgrade for 2 inventory slots. It would be nice to have them for non-MND enfeebles, though. Hmm, that's not a bad idea, I guess.