It’s been 49 days, 1hour, 9 minutes and 7 seconds and my plan to bore our obviously very bored deity into sending me back home has back fired fan-fucking-tasticaly! I’m still here, thank you Esha, thanks a bunch darling. You’re a god for christsakes I’m just a boring ass human. What in hell do you want me to do? Strip naked and run down the street
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Comments 44
So still not interested in the naked cartwheeling?
((OOC:Wow! must learn to stop missing out letters *shoots* And no don't be mean to Matt *glomps*))
But someone with my brains and good looks in this line of work; let’s just say the added perks are worth the hassle.
I mean rolling around playing will dolls is such great detective work!
Should I take it personally, Gevanni?
Take it however you want, I don't care.
Please shoot me ^_^
[ooc: ahdgasfdf, this Gevanni turns me on]
*Laughs*Glad to be of help*snigger's*
I have a very soothing CD with Asian music that you can borrow!
OOC: Curse!Mello is spineless and timid. XD
I can tell you a great place to shove that CD.
[[OOC: Cursed Mello is so darling ♥ I had to take a break as I seriously died from Mello’s current posts *wipes tears away*]
As someone who has been dealing with anger issues all my life ... please don´t fall into the same trap as I did! Please don´t shoot down others to compensate for your own insecurities. This can end very badly! I blew people up because of that!
If you want to talk about your problems and frustrations, I will be there for you. Not right now though, I am busy writing an apology letter to Sayu Yagami.
...hey, no reason to get so personal!
OOC: The feeling is mutual. ROFL.
You wanted talking well I'm talking. I'm stating what others are too pussy to say. Seriously people here must have been cracked on the head as babies.
Blew people up? Now that's more like it, better than any of that tea will solve the woes of the world bullshit. At least you get your message across that way.
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