Assult, po-9 threats, car chases, me being a bad ass, blood, cigarettes, and the like...all because of this one gas station (and maybe a bit to do with my nicotine addiction. >.>)
In all seriousness, I really do want to be fat.
Okay, so. Let's start out with basically telling my favorite story as of recent, what I like to call "Jeni's a Badass."
Alright, Long story short, I had a bad day at school about two weeks back. I was stuck there about two hours longer than normal, without cigarettes, and everything was going wrong, things not know... So, needless to say; I hate Chatt. State, and even more than that, I hate wasting my time, and even more than that I hate wasting my time at Chatt. State and not being able to smoke. So, anyways... I pull up to the gas station outside of my house to get a pack of cigarettes.
Well, As soon as I get out of my car, this late 30s early 40s, drunk, redneck gets out of the passenger side of this shitty red pick-up truck. "woo-eeeee Girl, damn! Look at you. Come here, girl." etc etc. I keep walking, very politely wave my middle finger at him, and proceed to get my cigarettes.
So, I just showed the guy my ID, and was handing him my card to pay for my much needed cigarettes when I feel this hand grab my ass. When I say grab, I don't mean gently pat, or "accidentally" brush up on it...I mean full out GRAB a huge ass handful(no pun intended) of my left cheek.
I didn't even think, didn't even look to see who it was. I just turned around and nailed the guy in the cheek with a right hook the second I felt that hand on my ass. Well, the guy falls on the ground, I busted his cheek open, and he starts screaming at me, "I'm going to call the cops on you, you bitch! You assulted me" My response simply being "Please. Please, call the cops. I'm sure it would end great for you..." Well, yada yada yada... The guy behind the counter tells the guy if he calls the cops, he will take my side as a witness and then show them the camera footage and all that... So, Yeah, there is some more to the story, but that's the part that is relevant to the point I am trying to make...well, the only part that is relevant is actually the part where the guy assulted meh, but I like to tell the part about me punching him. ^.^
That was about two weeks ago...Right, so big deal, I was pissed at first, but then realized that it was an awesome story and was rather proud of myself for punching the ever living hell out of that guy. Sadly, the clerk said that, although he would love to give me the footage fromt he security camera, he couldn't. *tear*
I get home from work, was on the phone with Chris for awhile talking about stressful stuff, and I run out of cigarettes. >.> Why yes, there is a running theme here... So, I get in the car and go to the gas station outside my neighborhood...
I get out of my car at the gas station, and start walking inside to get my cigarettes, this guy comes up from his car and I hold the door open for him, because I am polite like that, and he thanks me and then asks for directions to the interstate. I am pretty sure he was on something... Just, the way he was acting. Not drunk, and it wasn't pot, but... something I can't place that seems very farmiliar...but, yeah. So, I give him directions as he stares at me...Like, hardcore. And he tells me I am awesome and thanks me, and then stares at me for a minute, and walks back to his car.
I get my cigarettes, get back in the car...and pull out onto the road, waiting at the stop light to go straight into my neighborhood. The guys pulls up behind meh, in the lane to go straight, when he needed to turn right. >.> I was like, weird, maybe my directions confused him...but, he has to know that this is a neighborhood...I mean the HUGE ass brick signs on both sides of the road that say "Hurricane Creek Estates" in big gold letters had to give it away. So, I got a little uncomfortable and kinda shrugged it off...
Just for my sanity, after driving up the big hill in my neighborhood, I turned onto this road that only has like 4 houses, and no one takes that road to get anywhere but those houses...He turns too. I turn again, he turns again. I stay straight, he stays straigh.
"Fuck!" He is following me. I started freaking out. So, I drive all over the place, in circles and all neighborhood is fucking confusing as hell if you don't know where you are going. So, he is still behind me. I can't go to my house...What should I do? So, I keep driving, all over the place, trying to lose him. Finally, I get to this part of the road that kinda dips down and turns and then has a big hill after the turn...So, I go around the turn, to the point where I am out of his sight for a second and slam on the gas and turn onto the first side road going like 40-45mph in a 25... >.< I lost him, but I wasn't sure, I mean...there was a 50/50 chance I was on the main road still, or on this, I drive around all crazy, even though there were no lights or cars behind me still, just in case, you know...and get to the other end of the neighborhood and pull into this driveway that is hidden by this big tree-shrub-thing. Cut off my lights and car, and dug down really fast. I stay ducked down in my car, in case he happened to see my car...then he would think that is where I live and I went inside... After about five minutes ducked down freaking out, I pick my head up and look around...Nothing, so I pull out PRAYING (yes, I said praying) that I don't run into his lost ass by some strange twist of fate... And started driving to my house...
So, yeah. I seriously think that if I was fat, both of these things could have been avoided...also, that gas station scares me now. I think that was the scariest thing that has happened to me in a long time. So, fuck, avoid the Gas station outside of Hurricane Creek...seriously. >.< That is all.
p.s. Please ignore all spelling and gramatical errors, I am kinds freaked out and not caring right now. ^.^ ty.