It's that time again. I hope you're all in a festive mood for The X-Files? Since we are getting a late start this year, I have moved back all of the dates to avoid conflicting with Yuletide.
The X-Files Gift Exchange is open to fanfic, podfic, fanart, and fanvids; on the fic side, anything goes-all we ask for is a minimum word count of 750, that kinks are tagged, and warnings included.
1. To SIGN UP, all you need to do is add a comment to this very post containing your request by the 25 of November. No separate posts this year! Everything stays in one place so your mods stay calm and organized.
2. RESPONSES to gift requests are to be posted by January 6, in a separate entry to this community, preferably by your LiveJournal (or validated open id) user name of choice. The entries will go into a moderation queue until the reveal. All entries will be unveiled by the mods at the same time once every participant has a gift.
3. If you don't have or don't want to make a Livejournal, that's not a problem. Just let one of the mods know ahead of time, email it to the
xf_santa gmail account. We will format and post the entry for you.
4. Now! To join the exchange, post your request with the following information:
Name: [LJ handle] OR [DW handle] OR [AO3 account] OR [ handle] OR [Tumbler...]
Things I'd like: Please request at least three categories here...but ultimately feel free to add as many things as you'd like at this point. Doesn't mean you'll get them all, but there's no harm in asking, and it ensures you get a great Secret Santa match. If you'd like a specific pairing or character, then speak now or forever hold thy peace. Don't forget to ask for icons or vids too -- we all know the likelihood is low in a small fandom such as this one, but hey. Worth a shot!
Things I wouldn't like: If there's anything you wouldn't like to receive (pairing in a fic, French electropop for your vid, bright-green textures in your icons) then here's the place to mention it. Without character-, pairing-, or kink-bashing, of course.
What I can do: Are you great at a certain genre (gen, het, slash)? Are you the specialist for writing specific character/s or pairing/s? One of the excellent X-Files vidders out there, or an icon-maker with aspirations? One of the folks on Tumblr who brighten every X-Phile's day? As ever, specifics are great so your match brings you tears of happiness instead of, you know, the opposite.
What I can't do: If there's anything you feel you can't do, then please say so here. Same disclaimer as above applies.
Pinch hitter? In the event of someone not being able to complete their gift, are you willing to be a stand-in writer, pod-ficcer, artist, or vidder?
The deadline to sign up is November 25. As we are getting a late start this year, the deadline to default is December 29; with all gifts due in on January 6, that should give us adequate time to organize a pinch hitter. Obviously, the sooner we know you can't do it, the easier that task will be. If the assignment you received is not what you signed up to do, let us know that as soon as possible. We're doing the matching by hand so it shouldn't be an issue.
xf_santaThe X-Files gift exchange for the holidays, signups end November 25.">
The X-Files gift exchange for the holidays, signups end November 25!
We're a small fandom, so please advertise this gift exchange anywhere you think would be appropriate.
If you have questions, leave a comment on the first comment below.
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