Just put one up! If you have any suggestions for the next couple of challenges, send us an email please! We're trying really hard to stay away from "omg sexxors now" prompts and it is getting difficult.
the Pilot challengewendelah1April 19 2007, 22:13:48 UTC
I have written a short story, in response to your challenge. Here is my problem. I have posted it to my very new livejournal; part 1 is up and I am posting part 2. But I have no idea how to post it here. I am a bit of a novice in regards to the internet in general, and to livejournal, in particular. If you can give me a hand, I would be eternally grateful. Otherwise, just come on over and read it anyway. I look forward to chatting with you all and to reading your stories as well. I love the idea of encouraging more writing in the X-files community. Too many fine writers have moved on to inferior (IMHO) shows.
Comments 6
I'll go ahead and set one up now. :D
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