Mulder: I didn't know it was your birthday, Scully.
Scully: Mulder ... you have never remembered my birthday in the four years I've known you.
Mulder: That's the way I like to celebrate them ... It's every four years, it's like dog years that way.
Over 12 months ago
_folieadeux and I had the crazy idea of rewatching the entire X Files from start to finish with other LJ-ers. But only a year ago today did our idea become a reality.
We want to thank all the members who have contributed - especially those who have stuck here from the very start, there is only a handful of you and you are awesome!
We also really want to encourage the silent members out there. Dont be shy! I know for some of you, season 8 and 9 doesnt really inspire a lot, but what about those folks who love it? Feel free to join in with some love or hate for the episodes.
And I can probably reveal now that the community wont be ending when the rewatch does (in just under 2 months!) we've got plenty of fun things to keep everyone involved in this community into their old age.
But for now, lets par-tay!
~ Kate & Amy