Title: Closing the Case Author: bugs Rating: T Genre: Casefile, MSR Word Count: 11,000 Summary: Mulder's tucked away in the country and Scully is dedicated to her new career, but one last case calls for resolution.
So many lines trigger that little "ding ding ding ding" Jackpot sound in my head.
I love seeing how many little bits that I shove in a fic. :D
I love a good casefile and the victim, having gone all "Single White Female" on Scully is a clever twist.
I based her on a couple of people who I work with and they just don't understand the term 'boundary'. One was getting all inappropriate with her 'Did you see what so-and-so did?' with me today and I just smiled, thinking, you're dead in my fic. And I don't mean that in a creepy way. At all.
Comments 8
I like my Freudian slip so much I'm going to keep it. I can't even blame autocorrect, unless autocorrect is the Freudian slip of the new century.
So many lines trigger that little "ding ding ding ding" Jackpot sound in my head. I admire the fluency of your style.
I love a good casefile and the victim, having gone all "Single White Female" on Scully is a clever twist.
Did poor Olivia snooped into The Crucible killer's life by mistake? Or was the husband covering his tracks? I can't wait to find out.
I love seeing how many little bits that I shove in a fic. :D
I love a good casefile and the victim, having gone all "Single White Female" on Scully is a clever twist.
I based her on a couple of people who I work with and they just don't understand the term 'boundary'. One was getting all inappropriate with her 'Did you see what so-and-so did?' with me today and I just smiled, thinking, you're dead in my fic. And I don't mean that in a creepy way. At all.
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