June sucked. Summer classes, Morrissey being postponed, sun burn and no job. Positives, saw some good Phillies games and Des Ark. Some non-gay Italians stopped in the middle of Broad St. to tell me they liked my beard.
Date:June 26, 2007 TIme: approx. 230pm Location: Riverview Beach Park
Cooksey: Hey Steve when are you going to shave that beard? Me: I am letting it grow for a year, then we'll see what happens. Cooksey: Haha, Alright man.
Finished my spring semester and I magically passed all my classes. I Started up my rough summer session already. There has been some great parties and great Phillies games. Saw Dobbs hit some tight homers and two guy throw themselves down a few rows of seats.
Lots of drinking and lots of nonsense went down. St. Patrick's Day was a John Carpenter - Kurt Russell Double feature. Commando is the best Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.
Ten And Two and Friday The 13th both recorded. I am happy with the way the Ten And Two recordings came out, I am yet to hear the mix of Friday The 13th recordings
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