asked my gf to marry me.

Jul 27, 2013 02:50

Over blackberry messanger. Put a picture of a ring and red roses on my display picture. What a thing for her to wake up to. We shall see what happens :D god I love her so so much! She'll understand why I asked her via phone, I'm shy :P

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Comments 10

asti68 July 27 2013, 02:47:48 UTC
She looks so young to be getting married!!!! How old are the two of you? By the way, so nice to see happy hopeful posts from you! :)


xfattyxl July 27 2013, 13:05:31 UTC
She's 4 days younger than me, were both 19. Everyone says we look 16 or less though haha.


kharon July 27 2013, 04:01:46 UTC
aw, how sweet. will it be a long engagement?


xfattyxl July 27 2013, 13:04:25 UTC
Long as in a while before we marry? Yeh atleast a year. Is that what u meant? Lol


kharon July 27 2013, 16:22:45 UTC
yes that's what i meant. :D


xfattyxl July 27 2013, 21:39:18 UTC


sapphire_kittum July 27 2013, 05:01:46 UTC
That is wonderful! Congratulations!


xfattyxl July 27 2013, 13:01:13 UTC
Hope it works out :)


asti68 July 27 2013, 23:38:40 UTC
You two are so young. Hope your engagement is long, so that you can test out what it's like living together and doing the more mundane things in life, like laundry/paying bills etc. Will your wedding be a large affair?


xfattyxl July 27 2013, 23:42:28 UTC
Well put it this way, her dad is one of ten siblins :P


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