I decided the other picutres I posted I didn't like. Oh and I'm Deanna! I didn't make eye contact with the camera and I didn't smile! I also took upside down ones but I'm too lazy to resize them n shit.
Look at that sweet ass camera.
At the rad community, they said I look like Hilary Duff here. I'm not seeing it. And ew that hoodie makes me look fat.
This one is like my fave. So artistic. Like the first only a different mirror and not as blurry.
Or was this the Hilary Duff one? Oh, and in some of these I made eye contact. The non-eye contact ones kind of sucked.
In that one I look like a fish. Absolutly no idea what I was doing.
And now I'm sick, I don't believe I'm going to school tomorrow. Tragic.