XF2 Graphics Challenge!!

Nov 25, 2006 00:40

Hi Guys,

My name is Kelsi and I am one of the mods over at Create the Future. If you haven't heard about Create the Future, it's a project now in motion hoping to show Fox how much we want another X-Files movie.

More information can be found here or @ createthefuture here on livejournal.

Currently we have 35 letters and although that's great, given the size of the X-Files community we think we can do better than that! Now Nat1978 and the bones_project @ livejournal have have some great ideas and we have decided to branch out with how we are taking submissions.

The XF2 Graphics Challenge

We challenge you to make a graphic [wallpaper/icon/banner/drawing/painting/ink blot/anything!] showing your love for The X-Files and how much you want another movie made. It could simply be XF2 scrawled on a piece of paper, the point is, that it's from you.

I've seen the talent in this community and on these boards and I know that no matter what gets submitted I will be so proud of you all, because the people who are submitting things are making me very very happy.

Challenge : Create a graphic in some way representing that you want another XF2 movie.

Deadline : December 31 2006

Requirements : There are no requirements exactly, but keep in mind that it must be printed on A4 paper at the end of the day.

Please :

Send a handwritten letter in support of XF2 with your submission printed on A4 paper to here.

Or e-mail your art to createtehfuture@gmail.com with a note in support of XF2 [and your name/screen name and country].

Thanks for your times guys, please email me with any questions or ideas!!


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