Name: Tifa Lockhart
Age: 20
What's Okay To Mention Around Her:
For the most part, anything. Exclusions include; her relationship with Cloud, and her relationship with Rufus. Well, Cloud and Rufus can mention those but... yeah. She gets uncomfortable when Rufus brings up Cloud, and vice versa.
Aside from that, :D anything's fair game.
Well, she just so happens to be a ninja. Well, not a ninja, per se, but she is highly skilled in various forms of martial arts. Aside from that, nothing special. EXCEPT SHE'S GOT SUPER-MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER-POWERS.
Notes for the Psychics:
She has some serious guilt issues about Aeris. Because, to some extent, she's happy about the way things turned out because that leaves Cloud open to her advances. But, she also considered Aeris one of her best friends so that brings up some painful issues. She also has issues of guilt with Rufus because, even though she's currently pursuing something with him, she can't stop thinking about Cloud and such.
Plus, she has major insecurity issues about what kind of mother she is for Marlene and Denzel. ♥ And what kind of example she's setting for them.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?:
Make sure and ask first, but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it. :D
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact:
Tifa's always up for hugs :D She's a very sentimental person, and doesn't feel loved unless there's some physical assurance there. Not anything nasty, necessarily, but if she's not being hugged, she might start feeling like she doesn't matter that much.
Plz no to murder/death, but maiming is up for discussion.