well im off to cornertstone. ive been looking forward to it for a loooooong time. i know ill be seeing some of you there. for those who wont be along for the ride. SUCKS TO BE YOU
ill be 21 on friday. grant me good tideings on the first day of the rest of my drunken life lol
id just like to take this oppurtunity to congradulate all my peeps in the 219 who graduated. big ups to you kids, you made through high school. something i couldnt do. and i envy you
and so i say to boff, sampson, alison, britt, kara, and of course the lovely jen
im sorry i lied. i have no excuses no justifications. i lied, and im sorry. it was probably the worst thing i coudlve done at this point in time. im sorry sincerely, michael j. jones