Happy Fucking Birthday

Jul 18, 2005 15:27

 happy birthday cunt-face : ) 

Interesting facts about Jeremy: he's a whore and he knows it. he's conceited and he doesn't care. he loves his crackwhore...the little mexican maid. he's 16 years old, as of today. he's an idiot. he has experience icy-hot on his balls. he's a sensitive motherfucker. he can handle pain, but not rejection. he used to talk to me in the bathtub. he's a lover, not a fighter. he can be found on certain days wearing MY green day shirt. he loves the ladies, more than they love him. he gets mad often. he used to love meow-meow II. he skates with his chitlins. he started school today, unfortunately. he's one sick mother fucker. he's one of my best friends.
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