So I downloaded the live journal app, I have to say that I absolutely hate it.
Why can't I see old entries? It's probably for the best.
So I completely missed 2015. Oops. I guess I was pretty busy. I practically wasn't home all year. The navy kept me away for too long. In between the constant underways I made my final deployment. I got to see Dubai, Dubai and Dubai... The first port visit was cool but after port visit number four or so I was over it. I did get to see Croatia. It was okay, cold And everyone has bad teeth. By the time month 5 of being away from my family I was ready to close my navy chapter. For like a millisecond in the beginning of my navy 'career' I thought I might make it a career but it just got so old. When I went in soon after my 22nd birthday I remember thinking .. Okay I need a job, I need to do something with my life, I need to get out of Clearwater for awhile, I need someone or something to make me a functioning adult. I really do value my time in the navy. it forced me to grow up. It works for some people. some people really can't adapt. I do regret reenlisting, I seriously wasted 4 years of my 20's on something I knew I didn't want to do long term. They try and scare you, they tell you that there is nothing else out there, they remind you of the paycheck you get twice a month. The first time it worked.. I was scared to get out.. I had a baby to support now.. And I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Fast forward 4 more years and I'm at 9 years in and counting down the days until I can be catapulted off of an aircraft carrier (terrible by the way) and making my way back home to my boys. I had a plan this time. I love my husband dearly but I do wish he was more supportive in my decision to get out, it was a struggle. he made it pretty clear that it would be mistake.. I mean I get it. We were living comfortably, we have nice things, we take vacations. Why screw all that up? Because I hated my job, that's why! Because It requires me to be gone most of the year, and not just a phone call away gone.. Totally out of touch and half a world away gone. My four year old son asked if was ever coming back. When i did eventually come back he didn't leave my side and still when I leave the house he asks me if in coming back. I missed his birthday, I missed Christmas i missed his first tball game. I wasn't happy,isn't that enough? Or what about the fact that next summer he's up for new orders and going to be leaving Virginia? If would of stayed in id never leave here. He didn't see that, or care.. Anyway, it was my decision to make. I'd be lying if was said it wasn't scary, the navy is very much a lifestyle I didn't know if I knew how to not navy.. I didn't know if I'd miss it. I was really scared I'd miss it. Those feelings soon went away as soon as as I signed my DD 214 and was FREE! It felt great! It stills feels great! My next move was obvious, I HAD to go back to school. It wasn't an option. I have zero skills and even though I spent the last 9 years being an engineman I had zero interest in it. I never did. I still don't know why the navy thought that was the best fit for me, or if they really cared .. But that's what they made me do. I got by...I learned a lot but it wasn't interesting and I don't like being covered in oil and sweating my ass off.
So nursing! I've always had an interest in health care. So a week after I was officially discharged I started nursing school. I'm in an accelerated program because realistically I can't afford to be a full time student at 31 with a family. So they cram 15 weeks of information into 5 weeks. So far I've surprised myself... There is zero room for failure. Anything below an 80% is failing. I'm consumed by school, it's pretty much all i do. The first 5 weeks I was stressed and studied constantly! And I came out of it with straight A's. This term I've been a little easier on myself and guess what, i'm still maintaining straight A's. I'm the smart one! Which is ridiculous! We've already lost a lot of our starting class. I'm not the smart one, but I apply myself, I never miss class and I'm never late. It's amazing how many people don't take school seriously at this level.. I'm not talking about the people fresh out of high school I'm talking about people my age and older. Or the twenty somethings who are late every single day and are still in the party phase. Anyway I get it. In didn't care about school once and look where it got me.. I'm a 31 year old full time student. Better late than never I suppose. I'm a late bloomer.
So my goal is to finish nursing school and get back to Florida. If Nyles doesn't get orders to somewhere in FL, I don't even know.. I'm just crossing my fingers he does. Well I think I wrote enough to cover the time I have missed. I'm not sure if I'll be back to post again anytime soon. I have two finals tomorrow and although I'm very confident on the material I'm not taking any chances this time around.