beginning of a new cycle

Jan 06, 2005 02:36

So it's a new year, year number 22. I begin this year writing in my journal attempting to be something different than I've been over the last year. 2004 was a year of great depression and deep anger and hatered going back and fourth almost constantly throughout the year. One of the hardest years of my life, and quite a blow to me while I was caught ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

toungeringinx January 6 2005, 06:01:27 UTC
Cone, I am very proud of you! :)


january171989 January 7 2005, 04:20:01 UTC
sam, things like this is why he keeps calling you.


toungeringinx January 7 2005, 06:12:35 UTC
but i am proud of cone, i mean, hes got a job!;) ill call u n tell u later


xfromtheashesx January 7 2005, 13:16:14 UTC
was there a reason a problem with me calling? lol


january171989 January 7 2005, 04:19:35 UTC
stop writing so much and so much confusion. im bored, but not that bored.


(The comment has been removed)

january171989 January 7 2005, 17:44:05 UTC
yeah, i definatly agree. u should stop spending time typing all this up and try and do somthing.


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