Bringing her back, this is the same app as before with a minor detail added to the history section in regards to what's happened since she's been gone.
Name/Nick; Mendaa
LJ name:
mendaaOther characters played: None currently~
E-mail: shadowmendaa[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM/messenger: shadowmendaa
Character: Fuyu
Abilities: Both Fuyu and her twin were raised in a society heavily influenced by computers, especially being the children of the CEO of Antai, the largest computer security company on Yochi. Without their father noticing, they began to learn how to hack, using his own security programs as practice. Eventually there was no data safe from the twins, if they were bored enough to get it.
For fun, the twins played video games, though to them, they were just simple programs with graphical interfaces with a path that eventually led to the end, based on decisions made.
Flaws/weaknesses: The two grew up very close, never really separated. Fuyu slowly began to depend on her twin for emotional support to the point that she couldn’t stand to be away from him. When separated, she has little self control and gets unusually nervous. She also has a fairly weak immune system, so she’s prone to illness.
Though she’s dependant on her brother, she worries about him a lot as well. She tends to follow his emotional patterns as well; if he is happy, then she can also be happy.
History/background: Antai’s latest technological breakthrough in security had just hit the markets and was recognized as the official security system of the Yochi government. It was around that time that the CEO was blessed with more good news; the birth of his two children. Determined to raise his children to one day work directly under him, he raised them in a state-of-the-art house, equipped with the latest advancements as they came out. By the age of 5 they could work a computer with the efficiency of most grown adults. By 10, they were creating their own programs. They began to venture into the world of viruses and when they finally got bored with that, hacking. It was easy to learn hacking, given the vast amount of security in place even in their own home network. Though they were caught at first, they quickly corrected their mistakes and eventually became very talented.
More than they enjoyed hacking, the twins loved to play video games. They played so often that they had beaten every game they deemed to be decent. Soon they got bored of that, and began to hack and gain access to games months before their release. It was through one of these games, in the final stage of testing, that the twins found themselves in The City.
As The City doesn't care about the wants and needs of its citizens, Fuyu was abruptly thrown out of the game one day, waking up plopped in front of the game. Her first thought was that Natsu was taken from the game as well, and she quickly investigated the house to find it empty, save for an e-mail she'd received from their father. He would be busy for nearly a year, too busy to come home or even check up on them, and he just wanted to let them know. Finding that she was completely alone in the house, she nearly went into shock; her already poor immune system nearly shut down, and she did nothing but wait near the game for her twin to return to her. Finally, a couple months later, she received a message from an untraceable source reading "Continue?" Knowing right away what the message meant, replied "Yes~!" The next morning, she awoke back within the City.
Personality: Normally, she ‘s outgoing, but reserved. She loves to talk and make friends, so long as her brother is next to her. She generally comes off as easily likable, and she usually likes anybody she meets until they do something to hurt her.
Life is just a game to Fuyu. She enjoys talking to people she finds interesting, and toying with people she finds annoying. The toying is usually not harmful to them, but just messes with their mind a bit.
The most important aspect of her personality is her deep love for her brother. She tends to imitate him; if he dislikes somebody she’ll tend to not like them either.
She’s also very innocent. Though she’s interacted with people through company social events, she and her brother were home-schooled, so she doesn’t know much about interacting in the outside world. She has a very prude mind when it comes to sex and even kissing.
Background setting: Yochi: Very similar to our modern world, but ruled under a single government, and heavily dominated by technology. Cell phones have been replaced with small computers in varying styles, television shows are all broadcast over the internet, and newspapers and magazines are produced digitally.
In short, the more in touch you are with technology, the farther you’ll go in the world.
Antai rose to become the best company in the technological world, releasing the latest and greatest advancements, as well as the toughest to crack security programs.
Physical description: Very petite, standing a whole 5 inches under her brother. Her hair is a bit longer, and she tends to flip it to the opposite side. Her fashion style changes from day to day, as she finds it fun to dress up. Fuyu is portrayed by the ex-member of AnCafé, Bou. Sample pic is