Smallville Episode Review "Rapid" 9X03

Oct 16, 2009 12:43

I'm back! Late. But back. I'm also doing this review on the run so if there are any typos or mistakes, mea culpa. To say that I loved Rabid 9X03 is like saying the Titanic was just a boat. Can we say understatement. So sit right back and enjoy the love, snark, and possible spoilers, on what is my favorite episode this season (so far).

One thing I've always loved about SV is it's cinematography. The show consistently delivers a cinema quality look on half, or even a quarter of the budget of some of the bigger shows *cough*Heroes*cough. Add the saturated color palette (which mimics the comics) juxtaposed against grittier grays tones and you have a look that's distinctive to SV. Rabid is no exception to this. The opening shot of Clark in Chloe's inner sanctum awash in cool blues, white, and grays. The only touch of color being his eyes and a drop of Kryptonite on a syringe was gorgeous. His wakening up in a hospital setting only to walk into a desolate Metropolis and a wrecked Daily Planet, really reminded me of the opening of 28 days where the main characters awakens in a hospital only to encounter a changed city rather like Clark. Considering what happens in the rest of the episode, I'd safely say the homage was deliberate.

Oliver/Clark: Nice to know that the subtext of Collie is alive and well although its more angry sex now then braiding each other's hair fluff. But hey, I can totally roll with that. And it's always good to see Oliver. Dissipated, dilettante looks good on him. However, the whole Clark/Ollie convoy pissed me off. Clark shouldn't have to apologize about trying to save Davis. In trying to save the man from the monster (even if the man was flawed) he did the right thing,.....the heroic thing. And was true to the very core of what makes Clark, Superman. It's not only his ability to forgive but it's also his true and absolute belief in the inherent goodness of man and that it's never to late to change or seek redemption. And yes, sometimes his trust backfires spectacularly, but most of the time it serves as an example to the human race as a bright beacon of hope, decency, and compassion. Clark and Superman, makes people strive to be, and do better. That's his gift. The fact that the writers don't seem to realize this, bothers me a lot. It's at the core of what makes Superman a true hero. Add the fact that no one has apologized yet for betraying Clark last season, and frankly I'm still pissed at Oliver and Chloe.

Lois/Clark: What can I say that hasn't already been said. There are no words to describe how much I'm enjoying Clois this season. There is a high pitched squealing noise that does, but since only dolphins
seem to respond to that I guess I'll have to use words.  All their scenes together were exquisite. The scene in the rain is going to go down in my top ten Clois scenes ever (as well as the point where a million fangirls screamed in unison kiss her, kiss her). The moment when Clark catches Lois's fist to keep her from giving him their signature bump is a watershed moment. They no longer just friends and Clark is no longer willing to pretend they are. The look in both their eyes was just GUH, I was literally breathless. Heck, I even liked the scene where Lois emotes about the Blur. The triangle of two is a big part of the Superman mythos and I thing the writers are handling it well. Besides I read that conversation as Lois realizing thru her feelings for the Blur that she's ready for a real a connection. And that she was building up to telling Clark that she wants that connection with him but Oliver interrupted. Talk about the bad timing.

Dr. Emil: OK, I'm so on board with Dr. E. He's Smart, together, and unflappable. He's like a more emotive Oz. Finally, a Chole pairing I can get behind. He calls Chole on her shit and doesn't treat her like a goddess on high (sorry Jimmy you know I liked you, but that shit got Instead he interacts with her like a logical adult, and expects her, and everyone else to act the same. A refreshing change a pace in the SV world. Here's hoping they don't kill him off or make him evil. He can definitely stay.

Tess: Granted there wasn't a lot of her but what little we got was golden. Love how her hunt for the Kryptonians is both smart and efficient. Satellite surveillance navy seals tracking on the ground. You go girl. Why or why, wasn't Lex allowed to be this competent. Because for reals, that's one of the reason he was considered so deadly in the comics, and what makes Tess such a threat in the SV verse. I also love the nuances their writing into her character. From the little moue of disgust she makes when her primary bodyguard turns over the guard to reveal bloody hamburger helper, showing that she's not as inured to death and blood shed as we'd think. To her stark terror when she's attacked. These moments
of vulnerability add layers to character and keep her from being a one note villain. As for the moment Tess goes all Samurai Sakura on the 28 Days Later zombies. That was so epic it deserved a sentence of its own. CF is playing the hell out of Tess. She's a survivor and a fighter. I can't help but respect that. Here's hope her and Zod get to be evil and sexy together.

Zod: I love him. That is all.

smallville reviews, season 9_smallville

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