Today was one of the best days ever. But I'll get to that in a minute.
I took that markdown shift that I mentioned. I started at 3, so I took the bus to work. On my way out of the Bay, I ran into Stacee. We got all happy and started talking and I was almost late for work. I made it on time though.
Funny story... A few days ago, I was talking to Ida in the lounge. She used to work at Fortinos, and she talked to my mom there all the time. When my mom picked me up after, I told her she said "Hi," and I mentioned how much of a shame it is that I never get to work with her because I'm always on frontline. So, I end up having 2 shifts with her on markdown team. Weird, eh? The shift was sooo easy. So easy, in fact, that I took another shift for today from 7am-3pm. I'm crazy like that. So I got home from work and talked to Ming Y and Kyle, had a shower then went to bed.
Which brings us to...
I woke up at 6 and got ready, only to miss the bus by 30 seconds. I had to wait for a good 20 minutes for the next one. It was kinda cold outside, but nice. I sat in the bus stop and daydreamed. Despite the bus-missing, I got to work on time. I was tired, but cheerful nonetheless. The first 2 hours of my shift were spent in the warehouse sensor-tagging clothes.
When the store opened, Joanne asked me to hop on jewellery. I was confused. She said that Sara was going to be a little late. I hate Sara. I don't think I've mentioned it before, so to get you up to speed, she's the new full-time jewellery lady. They hired a new person to be full-time jewellery, when there are three already-trained associates ACHING to be full-time. To top it all off, she's a fucking idiot. She can't even make a page correctly. (By page, I mean calling someone over the P.A., not some special jewellery thing.) So I opened jewellery. This involves putting the $399.99+ pieces back into the cases, and putting back outdated holds. When I took everything out of the safe, there was a tray full of silver rings that weren't bagged. (BIG no-no) I got to berate her when she got there. It was good fun. I like talking down to people that are significantly older than me.
Anywho, the rest of the shift wasn't too bad. There was a pillow fiasco that nearly drove Ida and I completely insane, but we got through it. Soon, it was lunch time. I got a bagel and a really big tea from Timmy's to wake me up. On my way back, I saw Diana at Kernels and she gave me free popcorn, for which she rocks. I took it back to work and shared it because I was feeling nice.
After work, mommy picked me up and we went to Loblaws. She bought me turkey breast so I can make sandwiches. Then she bought me a coffee and donut at Timmy's. It was yummy. Soon after, I went downtown. I was sleepy on the bus, but by the time I got there the excitement of fresh piercings kicked in. I went to New Tribe, on account of it's much less expensive there. Counter-monkey was there, and he asked what I wanted. I explained about the scar tissue, and the fact that I have cartilage that far up in my lobe. He reached over and felt-up my ear, and told me that he'd have to charge for a helix on account of the afforementioned cartilage. He gave me a form, and I filled it out. He took a look at it and said "Okay, Mary Jenkins,[insert small chuckle here] Jon will be with you in a few minutes." I think he was amused by my name. I was amused by the fact that he didn't ID me.
I waited on the couch and watched a birdie outside the window for a few minutes. Jon came out and asked for me. He was really nice. He asked if he had pierced me before, because I looked familiar. I said no, but it was probably because I'm around the shop all the time. He asked what I wanted, and got everything set up at lightning-speed. He got me all marked up, and I lay down on the table. The new piercing was first. Hurt about the same as any other cartilage I've done. I made the usual "nose scrunched and right eye closed" face that I make as the needle's going through. The follow through was nothing short of amazing. I didn't feel it at all. Just flawless. Go Jon.
Anywho, the second one hurt. I hate scar tissue. I let out a long, monotonous "Owww" as the needle went through. It was worse than the re-done navel because it went through cartilage too. It takes the cake as most painful piercing. Follow-through was good though, just like the first one. Jon and I had a brief scar-tissue rant, (we agree that it sucks balls) and I was on my way. It was REALLY, REALLY nice out downtown, so I walked to the ROM. It's free on Fridays, which is nice. I brought my sketchbook and some pencils, intending to do a bit of drawing.
The walk to the ROM was good times. I love downtown. The weather was absolutely perfect. Not cool, but not warm, and I had that nice post-adrenaline-rush high from the piercings. It was a great walk. Lots of pretty trees and buildings and statues...
And I digress, I got to the ROM, but it was too busy to sketch without being stepped on or watched, (I can't do things when people are watching) so I wandered. I saw lions, and tigers, and zebra... And all kinds of other dead animals. It made me want to be a taxidermist. I also looked at the medieval weaponry, payed homage to the Frank Lloyd Wright table and chair, and hissed and spat at the Art Deco. Then it was time to go home.
There was an ice cream truck parked outside the ROM, so I indulged in a chocolate/vanilla twist, and sprung for a chocolate dip too. Sooooooo good. It was still really nice out too, so I decided to take another walk through Queen's Park and catch the train there, as opposed to leaving from Museum Station.
Best walk ever. The park is so pretty, and it was so nice out, and I had ice cream and fresh piercings, and I'm not stressed out with ANYTHING right now, so my mind wasn't preoccupied. I felt free. I don't think I've ever felt like that before. It was incredible. I wanted to share it with someone, but I don't think that would have been possible. I was just peaceful all by myself.
I hopped on the train at Queen's Park, even though I wanted to walk more. I had to get home though. There was a random punk-y guy who got on and sat beside/in front of me, possibly intending to strike up a conversation. Then some other guy sat beside me, so he moved. He started reading Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice". He was wearing a Virus shirt that was cut up slightly, and Converse All-Star hi-tops, and his hair was partially magenta. Go punks reading Shakespeare.
When I got to Finch, I wanted a patty, but they were all out. I was disappointed. I went out to wait for the bus, and ran into Natalie S. from work. She was with her boyfriend. He was nice. They make an adorable couple. The ride home was pretty uneventful. I came home and started writing this, stopped to get Nicole, Roshni and Patrick and drive them all home, and now I'm finished.
The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man."