Never got the chance to post about Rhyd's game on Wednesday night, so will do so now.
Game started on time, everyone leveled to 2nd. The thief cross classed to one level of Wizard and the Bard to one level of Druid. Fleeing the scene into the forest we sent the Gnomes robot in random directions in the forest to cover any possible tracks we might have, and eventually the machine stopped, we never retrieved it. We rested for the night and next morning wanted to hunt wild boars, which the papa wild boar turned out instead to be a goblin druid trying to get back at our group for thrashing his forest with the gnomish machine. My sorcerer kicked ass, and managed to magick missle the fleeing goblin druid and killed him before he got away. Both the bard/druid and thief/wizard nearly died in this combat, our paladins ability to lay on hands he got for second level saved them from death since the cleric of the party had to work late and was not there.
So after that incident, we traveled along the train tracks trying to find out where we were, discovering we much further south then we thought we were and the destination of our new quest was more then 4-5 days travel away, or 1 day if we could book passege on said train. We got to a town, sold some items, did some things, met a female wizard who likely killed a shop owner we were working with but she identified our magick items really cheaply and none of us wanted to anger her. Uncertain if we were being followed by authorities with our quest and involvement, we booked passage on the train but didn't intend to get off at the ticket destination, instead would get off at an earlier point. Once again, my sorcerer was a big help on the train ride as I was in the previous combat, befriending a rich senile old lady. Turns out she was the richest woman in the next town the train was stopping at, in fact the tracks had been blocked by a landslide up ahead so we had to stay at the next town. Gladly we accepted her hospitality at her huge mansion.
Next morning she asked for our help investigating some tragedy at her mines, we did some more shopping in the town etc, some info gathering. My character and the cleric decided to go to the mine before the rest of the party to learn more, and we found a body crushed by stones but also poisoned. Then the steward/guard watching over the mine questioned who we were, why the two of us were there, and we told him the basic truth. The guard leaves, next thing we hear is a pick axe against stone at the entrance of the mine, the guard is causing a cave in. The two of us rush to the entrance/exit but don't make it, and are trapped inside the cave. Session ended there for the evening. Everyone was impressed how useful my human sorcerer was to the party, so great session, everyone did their part well.
Thursday took the bus to Edmonds and then ferry to Kingston to spend the holdiay with parents, just the three of us and the cats. We had prime rib instead of turkey, but a great meal. Watched a few movies etc, relaxing quiet time. Friday we went to my uncle Rich's with cousins and friends for Turkey dinner at his home near Bainbridge. Great family feast, lots of desserts and food! Got home that evening on the Bainbridge to Seattle ferry. Rest of the evening did very little.
Saturday, the tentative plan was to go to another family feast in West Seattle, but after the previous evening, was not interested in bussing it and going really, so skipped. Didn't do alot on Saturday really, used that day to relax.
Sunday I went to see Twilight, the movie really is directed to teen age girls. Somewhat different take on vampires but mostly the same thing you've seen a hundred times before. It really isn't horror or action, and as far as romance, it's good, but not entirely my thing. That evening we did Keith's Epic D&D game, postponed from original Friday evening cause of holiday. Once again, a good session. We got a fair bit accomplished, made some new friends and helping them to whipe out some enemies and mutual foes.
Great to have a four day weekend, didn't get everything done I was supposed to but no rush to do so. Looking forward to escaping the mine in Rhyd's game in two days, feels nice to have a weekly game even if it is on a week night.