You need exposure to diversity, otherwise crap like this will continue.
It's disappointing that some white people thought THEY were the ones that would suffer if Affirmative Action continued. Facebook racial slur targets foe of Prop 2
By Alex Dziadosz
There's a word in our language with a peculiar amount of power. It's a word that gets attention fast.
Last week, Business School senior John Andrews, who was checking his profile between classes in the lower levels of the Ross School of Business's Executive Residence, found that word at the end of a message.
The message was in response to his profile picture, which shows a map of Michigan and the words "No on 2" printed in forceful red.
It began, "no on 2 eh??? im a WOMAN and i say YES on 2!!!!!"
It ended, "you must be a nigger."
Andrews, who is black, is no stranger to unsolicited messages. During the 2004-2005 varsity basketball season, he saw playing time as a walk-on point guard. But aside from the occasional jab at his ball handling, the e-mails he received were supportive.
"Nothing like this," he said.
After reading the message, he let the word simmer for a moment.
"I was taken aback," he said. "It took me a few minutes just to work through those emotions."
The message was sent from a Facebook profile unfamiliar to Andrews. He suspects it may have been a front.
A bleak frustration was gestating. But so was an idea.
Within minutes, he was logging onto his e-mail account. He saw an opportunity. He sent an e-mail with the subject line "Messages of Hate" through iMpact, the Business school's mass e-mail system.
He then sent messages to dozens of groups, including the University chapters of the NAACP and Black Student Union.
The e-mails asked if others had received similar messages and, if they had, to preserve them as evidence that "equality and fairness does not exist in this state."
"People see situations in history textbooks, but they aren't aware that this still happens now, all around them," he said.