Here is a survey I stole from jenna because im a clepto...enjoy

Nov 26, 2004 18:32

1: Name: jessica
2: Age: 16

Have you ever....

3: Been kissed? no
4: Done drugs? no
5: Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no
6: Been on stage? yea
7: Dumped someone else? yea
8: Gotten in a car accident? yea
9: Been in love? no


11: Shampoo: this vo5 oasis
12: Toothpaste: dont have one
13: Soap: oil of olay
14: Type of soup: chicken noodle
15: Room in your house: my room.
16: Instrument: guitar


17: Coffee or hot chocolate? coffee
18: Big or little? little
19: Lace or satin? satin
20: New or old? old
21: Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? i dunno, i really dont care
22: Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? tom cruise
23: Vogue or Material Girl? vogue
24: Jeans or cords? jeans
25: Sweater or sweatshirt? sweatshirt
26: T shirt or tank top? t shirt
27: Skirt or dress? depends
28: Wool or cotton? cotton
29: Rose or lily? rose
30: The way it is or the way it was? i dunno
31: Oldies or pop? oh we all know how i love herpes squad (brittney and christina).....oldies
32: Do you have friends that are the opposite sex? yessss
33: Do you have a best friend? yea
In the last 24 hours, have you...

34: Cried? no
35: Helped someone? if slaping someone in the head for being stupid counts
36: Bought something? yes
37: Gotten sick? no
38: Gone to the movies? no
39: Gone out for dinner? yes
40: Said "I love you"? yes
41: Written a real letter? no
42: Moved on? yes
43: Talked to an ex? no
44: Missed an ex? no
45: Written in a journal? yes
46: Talked to someone you have a crush on? no
47: Had a serious talk? no
48: Missed someone? yes.
49: Hugged someone? ya
50: Fought with your parents? kinda
51: Fought with a friend? nope
Do you......

52: Wear eye shadow? yes
53: Put on a "front"? no
54: Kiss on the first date? matters how much he pays
55: Have a crush on someone? no
56: Eat with your mouth open? no, i cant stand that noise
57: If you got a tattoo, where would you get it and what would it be? on my back. it would be a crossword puzzle so i
could entertain people
58: What color is your floor/carpet in your room? tan
59: What was the last CD you bought? greenday american idiot
60: How did you spend last summer? i forgot
61: When's the last time you showered? today
62: Are you tired? yea
63: Are you lonely? alittle
64: Are you happy? usually
65: Are you wearing pajamas? no
66: Are you talking to someone online? yea. meggs
67. What color are your eyes? brown
68. What color is your hair? brown

[ You Touched ] myself
[ You Talked to ] kat
[ You Hugged ] myself (i really needed it)
[ Had A Sleep Over With ] meggs
[ You Instant messaged ] meggs
[ You Yelled At ] i forgot
[ You Had A Crush On ] i cant remember last crush i had was with my boyfriend, but i broke up with him a
long time ago and i dont like him anymore
[ Kissed ] myself (you may ask how)
[ Who Broke Your Heart ] those gas prices

[ Food ] italian food
[ Drink ] propel water
[ Color ] blue
[ Album ] dont have one
[ Shoes ] my converse's
[ Candy ] dont have one
[ Animal ] killer whales
[ TV Show ] cold case files, american justice, family guy and the simpsons
[ Movie ] i cant pick one
[ Dance ] wtf?
[ Song ] right now the doors- people are strange
[ Vegetable ] brocoli
[ Fruit ] apples
[ Cartoon ] sealab,family guy and the simpsons

[ Understanding ] sometimes
[ Open-minded ] not really
[ Arrogant ] only to people i dont care about
[ Insecure ] yea
[ Interesting ] sure
[ Random ] yeah
[ Hungry ] not really
[ Friendly ] yes
[ Smart ] average
[ Moody ] usually
[ Childish ] no
[ Independent ] can be
[ Hard working ] sometimes
[ Organized] sometimes when im in the mood to be
[ Healthy ] probably not.
[ Emotionally Stable ] probaly not
[ Shy ] yea
[ Difficult ] can be when i want to be
[ Attractive ] i dont think i am
[ Bored Easily ] yes
[ Messy ] can be
[ Thirsty ] no
[ Responsible ] yep
[ Obsessed ] yes.
[ Angry ] sometimes.
[ Sad ] can be
[ Happy ] sometimes
[ Hyper ] on a good day
[ Trusting ] can be
[ Talkative ] sometimes
[ Legal ] alittle, i can drive a vehicle with people in it
[ Original ] yea, i dont think you can find another like me
[Different ] yea
[ Unique ] sure
[ Ignored ] sometimes when im really quiet
[ Reliable ] sometimes
[ Content ] nope
[ Optimistic ] sure
[ Deep thinker ] yes
[ Self-disciplined ] yes
[ Sleepy ] very
[ Lonely ] yes, sometimes
[ sXe ] no

[ Kill ] no body
[ Slap ] people who piss me off
[ Get Really Wasted With ] no one
[ Get High With ] ...NAH
[ Tickle ] a migit
[ Look Like ] myself

so since i talked about myself lets hear wat u have to say about me:

Am I cute?:
Am I crazy?:
Am I loveable?:
Am I funny?:
Am I annoying?:
Am I psycho?:
Am I fun to hang out with?:
Am I a good person?:

Miss me if I was gone?:
Listen to my problems?:
Hug me if I cried?:
Consider me a good friend?:
Ever go out with me?:
Kiss me?:
Have sex with me?:
Marry me?:

When's my birthday?:
What school do I go to?:
Who is my best friend?:
Favorite color?:
Favorite movie/s( I just told you so you shold know. :P)?:

Do I prefer night or day?:
Do I prefer to see the movie or read the book?:
Do I prefer rain or snow?:

Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?:
Comment on my clothes/style, what would you say?:

What do you like about me?:
What do you hate about me?:
What is my best quality?:
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?:
What is your honest opinion of me?:

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