i need coughdropsssss. grr.

Jan 28, 2005 07:54

coughing fits throughout the whole night kept me tossing turning ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

neutral_expanse January 28 2005, 15:15:13 UTC
try some white pine bark.. does amazing stuff for bronchitis type coughs and flu.


xgutterslutx January 28 2005, 16:00:23 UTC
according to the symptoms i described to a friend.
she said it sounded like a sinus infection.
but i don't know, its not a sore throat, its more of an irritation.


where do i obtain white pine bark :/


neutral_expanse January 29 2005, 00:34:23 UTC
www.pennherb.com has it


mandabean254 January 28 2005, 17:40:53 UTC
dude dayquil! I swear by it, i'd never had it untill like a month ago omg it makes everything better.


xgutterslutx January 28 2005, 19:19:44 UTC
i went through a bottle of nyquil already ;[
it didnt seem to help much, except as a pain reliever.
and it didn't knock me out, perhaps it was because i was taking the suggested doseage instead of overdosing on it.

i got some halls, something to relieve the irritation and to help me when settling down to sleep.


neutral_expanse January 29 2005, 00:35:47 UTC
If all else fails a shot of whiskey w/ a table spoon of honey or molasses and a tsp of honey heated works great and it'll knock you on your butt so you'll sleep.


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