(no subject)

Dec 27, 2005 12:02

1) Starting time: 12:03pm
2) Name: Jane Lindsey Hallinan
3) Nicknames: Spark(y), Munchkin, Twin, Chocolate Thunda.
4) Name Spelled Backwards: enaj
5) Home town: Altoona, Pennsylvania
6) Grade: nineth
7) Birthday: 05 02 1991
8) Age: 14
9) School: RJHS
10) Hair Color: redish & brown. No, I didn't dye it again. The red color is fading
11) Eyes: hazelish, sometimes greenish.
12) Height: 5'5
13) Siblings: twin-Julie, older sister- Kelly, & brother-Tom.
14) Gender: female

- - Have You ever?- -
15) Been so drunk you blacked out: no
16) Missed school because it was raining: no, I haven't missed any school in 3 years. I'm a freak.
17) Set any part of your body on fire for amusement: No, not yet
18) Kept a secret from everyone: maybe not everyone. I probably told Brittany.
19) Had an imaginary friend: not that I can remember.
20) Wanted to date a friend: yes, probably
21) Cried during a chick flick:Not a chick flick, but the Lion King makes me sad.
22) Ever liked a teacher: never
23) Ever thought an animated character is hot: uhm, not really?
24) Ever prank called someone: haha yeahhh
25) Been on stage: For CCD last year I was.
26) Fought with your parents: alot.
27) Wished upon a star: I used to do it all the time.
28) Laughed until you cried: haha hell yeah
29) Watched a sunrise/sunset: yeah
30) Went to a beach at night: With my family in Myrtle Beach to watch fireworks like 4 years ago
31) Been mean: yeah, who isn't mean at one point or another?
32) Been sarcastic: most of the time
33) Are you happy: Yes, for the most part.
34) Are you talking to someone online: yep

35) Shampoo: anything that smells good
36) Soap: Dove
37) Colors: green, purple, orange
38) Day/Night: Night
39) Kinda Music: indie, screamo, hardcore, alot of stuff
40) Fav. Soda: Dr. Pepper
41) Fav. Drink: KOOL AID
42) Fav. Car: anything that will get me to where I want to go.
43) Fav. Perfume or Cologne: Ragdoll that Molly has in her locker
44) Fav, Radio Station: 104.9 or 105.9. most of the time the radio sucks
45) Fav. Website: anything entertaining
46) Fav. Subject in school: German, and Art Elective
47) Least Fav. Subject in School: Bio
48) Fav. Sport: Cross country, Track, Swimming, Hockey
49) Fav. Video Game: any racing game. haha idk why I like them
50) Fav. Band: The Blood Brothers
51) Fav. Food: tacos
52) Fav. Movies: Rocky Horror, The Nightmare Before christmas, Donnie Darko, Saw
53) Fav. Place: anywhere out of PA
54) Fav. Holiday: idk?
55) Lace or Satin: is there a huge difference?
56) Fav. Place to Chill: Brittany's house, or the Bosaks
57) Fav. Ice Cream: chocolate
58) Fav. Cartoon Character: any of them. CHRIS, DON'T SAY TARZAN.

--Friends & Crushes--
59) Have a bf/gf: nope
60) Loved Anyone: not completely
61) Who's the Loudest: Brittany
62) Shyest: Jared
63) Nicest: uhm. all of them?
64) Funniest: Brittany and Molly
65) Craziest: Brittany and Molly
66) Who do you go to for advice: Brittany.
67) Who do you cry with: BRITTANY.
68) Which friend lives the farthest from you: uhm, no idea?
85) Hows the weather right now:kinda icky looking out.
86) What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten: Anything my aunt would make when we would go to visit in the summer.
87) How do you eat oreo's: Just pick it up and eat it. or eat the top, then the icing, then the bottom.
88) Are you too shy to ask a girl/guy out: idk, I'd rather the guy ask me out
89) If you could change your name, what would it be?: Monroe? idk something exciting
90) What will your first son's name be: Ronnie
91) What would your daughters name be: Monroe, or anything that sounds pretty
92) Do you like scary or happy movies: scary
93) Do you like talking to people on the phone or in person: both
94) Lust or Love: love
95) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: shut up. i cheer. Yes I dont look like it. Yes its a sport, we do eligiblity every week and you can get hurt in the process and not anyone can do it.
96) Boxers or Briefs: boxers
97) Bacon bits or Croutons: both
98) How long can you hold your breath:Long, but that not that that long
99) Waiting till marriage: probably not
100) Disney World or Disney Land: Either
101) Do you do drugs: NO
102) Have you ever been skinny dipping: no
103) Do you make fun of people:hahah not purposly. I don't go out of my way to make fun of someone.
104) Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not yet
105) One pillow or two: two
106) Pets: I don't have one
107) Piercings or Tattoo's: ears, like a 4gauge in my left
108) What's your bedtime: school day- 10ish
109) Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: none of the above
110) Most embarassing moment: I embarass myself too much.
111) Do you attend church regularly: Yes, and CCD on sundays
112) What do you look for in the opposite sex: humor, hair, nice smile
113) Fav. Quote: idk?
114) Can you swim: yes haha im on the swim team. COME TO MY MEETS.
115) Do you like to swim:yeah
116) Do you have an accent: no, not at all. But Mike & Chris laugh when I say lispe, and pirates.
117) Do you have a job: I mow lawns in the summer, shovel in the winter.
118) Do you prefer pools or oceans: either
120) What's better boys or girls: boys
121) Do you sing in the shower: no, but i sing in my head
122) Who's the best looking person: uhm, idk, scene boys
123) The best way to die: instantly, or of really old age. without pain
124) When do you want to die: When I'm really old and I'm happy with life.
125) Have you ever called a 900 number: no
127) Would you ever go bungee jumping: probably
128) Would you rather be short, tall, or semi-tall: semi tall? But I want to know what its like to be Jenna's height, or Leah's.
129) Do you enjoy reading: sometimes.I'd rather draw than read.
130) Which Winnie the Pooh character is your fav.: Tigger
131) What was the last movie you watched: House of a thousand corpses and Christmas with the Kranks?
132) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
133) Do you think you're attractive: I have my days.
134) What is your sign: taurus
135) Are you happy with it? I guess?
136) What is your biggest fear:spiders, bugs, snakes, scary things.
137) What movie do you really wanna see: Saw 2 and some scary ones coming out soon.
138) Who is the least attractive person you know:hahah i wont say a word.
139) Optimist or Pessimist: optimist
140) Would you ever have cosmetic surgery: nope
141) Do you like to dance: DDRing and goofing around with Brittany. Daning around the halls and at any random time.
142) What do you think of people who drink: Don't go over the top.
144) Better to cry or laugh: laugh until you cry.
145) Do you think men and women can ever be just friends: of course
146) Do you bite your nails: yes
147) What's your worst habit: Biting my nails, looking in mirrors when I walk by them.
148) Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex: yes, like 3 times?
149) Who in your life is your biggest role model: all my friends
150) Who was your first crush: Stevie Koehle in preschool/kindergarten
152) Who makes fun of you the most: Brittany & NIKKI.
153) Your bestest best girl friends:BRITTANY. DUH.
154) Time done: 12:39.

Too bad I went upstairs to eat a few minutes after I started.


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