and I decided to disregard my pessimistic assumptions and rent a film that I was positive would disapoitn. Strangely, I was suprised. The premise may be a bit corny and commercialized, but "Monster-In-Law" was a really entertaining, heartwarming, comedy. Of course Jennifer Lopez was extroadinary, isn't she always. Her acting is so on the mark and she always chooses really smart projects to work on. I have no idea what Ben Affleck was thinking when he let that fine momasita slip away. Besides Lopez, Jane Fonda gave an intense performance. Wow, she really knows how to capture the spirit of a villian; this is suprising considering what a wonderful American she is. I have always looked up to Fonda because in the sixties she stood up against government opposition and defended the Viatnamese, even if it ment betraying her country and disrespecting thousands of American soldiers who were risking their lives. That was her duty as a celebrity. "Monster-In-Law" is the movie to see. It has an incredibly talented cast and a skillfully written and original storyline. Do yourself a big favor and rent it.