I'm bored..

Jul 19, 2004 19:03

The \\Last Cigarette:Never.Last Alcoholic Drink:Never.Last Car Ride:Approx. 40 mins ago.Last Kiss:Long time.Last Good Cry:Very long time, probably 2 years.Last Library Book:3rd grade.Last book bought:9th grade.Last Book Read:Stalingrad.Last Movie Seen in Theatres:I, Robot.Last Movie Rented:Equilibrium.Last Cuss Word Uttered:Shit.Last Beverage Drank:Cherry coke.Last Food Consumed:Chicken Ramen Noodles.Last Crush:Jeannette or Liz.Last Phone Call:Sarah.Last TV Show Watched:The news.Last Time Showered:This morning.Last Shoes Worn:Converse, Low-Top, black/white.Last CD Played:Funeral for a Friend : 7 ways to scream your name.Last Item Bought:Starbucks Double shot Espresso.Last Download:Hawthorn Heights - Ohio is for Lovers.Last Annoyance:Not sure.Last Disappointment:Last night, Plans ruined.Last Soda Drank:Cherry coke.Last Thing Written:Thank you note to my Grandmother.Last Key Used:.Last Words Spoken:"Ugghh"Last Sleep:5 hours ago.Last Ice Cream Eaten:Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.Last Chair Sat In:This one.Last Webpage Visited:www.zombo.com
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