Holy damn, Havent used this in a while. And since the last post, ALOT has changed. Jeannette and I are just friends now. Ive been with Andi for almost two months now! Yay!! Im going to try and keep this and my weedweb updated, might be to much work though, haha. Well..Im in 7th period right now, School doesnt actually start for another like hour
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Heh, Im sitting here, It's 1:06, I downloaded Maroon 5's cd, and I love it. I dont know why, It's laid back, Relaxing, It's really soothing music. And it's catchy too. Well, ugh, I miss jeannette <3 Cant wait till monday to see her.
Well, As of late. Life's been really up and down. Im falling hard for Jeannette, we're gonan hook up so It's a good thing. I've been really depressed lately though. I dont know why. Eric was here last night, We went to the Rodeo Fair. I saw a bunch of people I know. We didnt ride anything but one ride. Because we bought 30 tickets, and some asshole
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Im on the phone with Jeannette, It's 12:15, We've been talking for 3 hours, yay! But I'm going to the fair today. Since it is friday now. I just gotta wait until Eric gets home from school.
Okay, So I'm in my 4th period class. World History ACT, it's all done on computers. So instead of working, im on the net, like always. Im listening to one of the most....personal songs I know if. "April Left With Silence" It touches me. I dont know. I can relate to it I guess. In other news, Im hoping to get with Janette. She's this gorgeous girl
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Ooooooooooooorgle. Bleeat... Brawrr!! lewk 47 m3 1m 4 ll4m4!! h4rh4hrh4rh4r (For those who cant read that, It says "Look at me, Im a llama!! hahahahah") Anyways. Wrote a lit'le sumffin, lolz. I thought I'd share it to my readers <3
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Why cant anything in my life go right for once? Hmm? Oh well, shit happens. Im in 4th period, doing my math homework for the next class. Mr.Deright is cool though, so if I dont finish, he'd still give me credit
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