well it's december again....
i'm not quite sure why i'm updating, but i just sorta felt like it. this will basically just be completely random thoughts that i have right now.
lately i've been feeling distant from everyone else, even my closest friends. i don't really know why, or if it's me that's distancing myself or if i feel as though they're distancing themselves from me. i have to get my christmas shopping done, shit. this year has been kind of a shitty one to start out with, but i have hope that it will get better as second semester rolls around, and the new year. cause the new year = license for alison! yay!! it makes me really sad that some of the people i feel like i was closest to a year ago i hardly see or talk to, or have any desire to talk to now. why does that happen? i cant wait for Christmas. i'm tired of school work; it's really getting me down this year. maybe it's the classes or the subjects or the teachers, but something about the classes this year kills me. i can't put my finger on what it is, but they're really gettin me down. which sucks cause i used to love school. bah. i need to get a car so i can drive. why doesn't he like me. emily + charlotte make me happy. mr hall sucks some serious balls. i am also sick of greener grass syndrome (i hope i spelled that right. oh well). is it so hard for people to recognize a good thing when they have it? i don't think it takes a rocket scientist to realize a good thing when they've got it. anyways. don't read this. its just a bunch of dribbbbble.
yeah, i know, there are no pictures.
ps- happy birthday genny and lucy!!!! cake tomorrow!