alright i havent updated in maybe a million years, so this is part one of, well i dont really know how many yet because this is part one. so there, if there are too many for you i dont really care- just deal with it.
anyways, ive got a lot of great pictures to share, so i guess i should start with where i left off
this was when we first got off the plane and we are still in the airport actually, walking to our bus. thats dianas mom with the pink bag.
2 hour bus ride to the hotel. but hey, look at the view, i mean who can complain? oh, on the bus ride by the way, we made a pit stop (though it wasnt really planned that well, i mean it was within the first like 20 minutes of the ride, and it was a 2 hour ride, but anyways) at this little place where you could buy drinks/go to the bathroom/ buy pipes for like $5. so diana and i get off the bus and this guy behind a brick wall next to the stop starts hissing at us to get our attention (thats the way they do it in jamaica, i dont really miss that) and he starts motioning smoking a joint. our first encounter with the natives, and that was it. oh how that moment foreshadowed the whole trip. just kidding. kinda.
first day, after running to our room as fast as we could and getting into our beach gear, we scurried down to check out the beach (ps- check out the guy in the yellow shirt behind me, haha, whatta a man!)
free minibar? well, if you insist!
those sure were fun to lay on
they really got into the christmas spirit over at the riu ochos rios (<-- name of our hotel)
oh yeah, another thing about jamaica : BIG bugs. HUGE.
we got caught in a tropical storm!!!
ok so that up there, those two pictures, is the full view of the hotel, i couldnt get it into one frame. you can kinda see where they over lap at the two ends where the pictures meet.
and we took a quick trip to some waterfalls.
he he
waterfall 1
waterfall 2. we actually got to climb this one, it was pretty damn fun
the waterfall just seemed to keep going, it kept going up and then platuing. like so
hey! there we are! and thats our guide, and he just kept saying, "Watch my step! Watch my step, mon!" hhaha it was too much.
after the climb
bannana leaf!
infinity poooooool!!!
and one last thing- so in jamaica, marijana is legal. in fact i would almost call it the pot capital of the world (that and amsterdam). so basically every 20 feet, or every like, i dont know, 4 minutes maybe, you would smell pot in the air, it was pretty awesome actually, but really tempting at the same time. so diana and i would be walking and all of a sudden one of us would stop and we would go, "smell it?" so, there were gift shops at the hotel. this was right outside of each:
oh jamaica, how i love and miss thee.
anyways, theres my jamaica update, i have more pictures, but i was running out of captions, anyways, there're only so many one can find enjoyable until you get sick of seeing the same two people in all of them. or thats how i feel at least.