so today was pretty much the best day ever.
we had a birthday celebration kinda deal for michelle and nadia today at lunch. it rocked.
taking pictures at lunch and in spanish was fun. and here they are..
1. toria hahaha
2. gladys trying to be cool and have perfect attendance..but no
3. gladys and nadia CASUALLY eating
4. lunch crew
5. melissa!
6. half of michelle, toria, me
7. michelle!
8. haha..double chin? GROSS
9. savannah
10. jennifer sssszarka and me..we are so gangstER
11. gladys has a third arm
12. alejandro and amira
13. alejaaaandro
14. rafael
15. robyn and me
16. me and cyndi K
yay! so i have this urge to be like man, i love school??
look forward to a jillion more pictures next week. :D
jennifer s, you are a genius. thank you :D