Today at school, I was really bored in class, plus the teacher was absent so I did this.
Tile: Potheads
Drawn By:
xlikexaxloserxPost: Comic Strip, kinda?
Rating: PG-13 for usage of language.
Genre: Humour, uh?
Summary: None but you get the see the members of FOB dressed as little Harry Potter Wannabes wizards and they look like bugs so yeah, shut up.
I know that the characters start out from small and suddenly in frame number-I'm-too-lazy-to-remember, they start growing bigger. Sure, they're all disfigured at times and it's not hard to miss the mistakes and ink stains. And just so you know, that is my handwriting. It's difficult to read so if there are any lines you can't read, feel free to ask me what it says in a comment box. I need sleep now.
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viawentztop 反抗 [REVOLT!]
Today, classroom drama made me smile :)