[x] First & Middle Name;
[o] Nickname[s];
[x] Age & Birthdate;
[o] Location;
[x] Sexual Preference [Straight/Bi/Gay];
[o] Relationship Status[pics?];
[x] Best & worst quality;
[o] Best & worst feature;
FAVORiTES( List at least 5 );;
[x] Foods;
[o] Drinks;
[x] TV Shows;
[o] Bands/Singers;
[x] Stores;
[o] Hobbies/Sports;
[x] Actresses/Actors;
DiSLiKES[ List at least 3 ] ;;
[o] Foods;
[x] TV Shows;
[o] Bands/Singers;
[x] Actresses/Actors;
[o] Stores;
YOUR LiFE...;;
[x]What was your happiest moment of life so far?;
[o]And your worst moment?;
[x]Most embarassing moment;
[o]Most Craziest Experience ;
[x]Who's your role model and why?[Provide pics if possible];
[o]What are two things you can't live without?;
[x]What do you want to be in life?;
NUMBER... ;;
[o] Of guys you've kissed?;
[x] Girls you've kissed?;
[o] Times youve been in love?;
[x] Of close friends?;
OPiNiONS;; [ Choose AT LEAST 3 or possibly more for more chances of getting in ]
[x]Parental Advisory Stickers;
[o]Pre-Martial Sex;
[x]Underage Drinking/Illegal Drugs;
[x]Gay Marriage;
[o]Eating Disorders;
[x]George W. Bush;
[x]Condoms||Birth Control;
[o]Thong||Full-Back Panties;
[x]Abercrombie||Hot Topic;
[x]Mexican food||Chinese food;
[x]If you could have sex with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?;
[o]What would you buy with a million dollars and why?;
[x]What's your biggest fear?;
[o] Make us laugh :)...
+Text =
+Picture =
[x]What sparked your interest to apply here?;
[o]Where'd you find out about
[x]Are you going to participate in everything we offer and get as much points as possible?;
[o]One reason you think you belong here;
[x]Say something sweet about the mods;;;;
jadore_greendaykrazykari123[o]Why should we accept YOU?;
[x] Promote
x_hotterthanyou to at least 3 active LJ's/communities and provide the links.
PROViDE AT LEAST 3 PiCTURES OR MORE!! (If there's more than 1 person in the photo, indicate who you are and don't make us guess!)