• Ice-themed supervillain Subzero interrupts a hockey game on Sunday. Fortunately Wolverine happens to be in attendance and thwarts him - with the apparent assistance (kind of) of a teenage speedster whose uniform bears the Xavier Institute logo. Students of the Institute may recognise it as student Danger Room gear and the teenager in question as Tommy Shepherd, although his name is not made public. This causes the expected amount of media consternation over whether the Xavier Institute is training superheroes.
• It is reported on Tuesday that Boulder City, Nevada has been placed under temporary quarantine due to an outbreak of an unidentified influenza strain. Authorities are urging anyone who has travelled through or stayed within the city limits during the past two weeks to exercise caution and keep travel to a minimum.
• Due to the continued lack of cooperation from the Genoshan ambassador, the US government establishes an embargo on all trade and travel on Thursday. The United Nations have yet to make a concrete statement of support, which decreases the effectiveness of this move in a global context.
• The Xavier Institute receives a sizable donation from pharmaceutical company Tricell, Inc.: To the students and staff of the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning,
We here at Tricell, Incorporated have always believed in the value of a solid education, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Given the current political climate of this nation and the world at large, going to school has become more than an act of responsibility-- but an act of courage.
We are grateful that there are fine institutions such as Xavier's dedicated to the education and the protection of our nation's children, human and mutant alike. As such, we at Tricell, Inc. wish to make a charitable donation to the institute to the amount of $1,000,000.00 for the Institute's further operation. We hope that this donation will provide new opportunities for the brave students and hard-working staff that have faced so much already in the turbulent society we live in.
On behalf of Tricell, Inc., a hearty congratulations to the Xavier Institute!
Darren Ferguson
Head of Accounting
Tricell, Inc. North America
• The weather is sunny but just as cold as last week.
• After the week or so of downtime for the new kids to get settled in, the Brotherhood will be resuming its regular evil terrorism activity. If your Bro'hood character is a nice kid who just got picked up from the Xavier Institute you probably won't even know anything about this, but, if you've got an established member or a newbie with a potentially fight-tastic or otherwise useful power and a fighty/morally-suspect disposition, you might want to check out
this post looking for volunteers, if you haven't done already. More on this will be going up in the OOC comm shortly, so keep your eyes skinned.
• Wednesday is the day for the long-established Game Night. Tables in the mess hall are shuffled around and strewn with a variety of board and card games, from Kerplunk! and Scrabble to Poker and Blackjack. There is also an old Hungry Hungry Hippos game off in one corner for no apparent reason. Drinks, snacks and actual social contact without anyone trying to kill anyone else? You'd be daft to miss it.
Sat at home all week eating ice cream from a tub in his jammies.
• We're in the process of editing
xi_mods and the game comms to make them more readable and easier to navigate. Let us know if you've got any feedback on that!
• If anyone has students who they want to join the Brotherhood of Mutants but were away for Thanksgiving or fighting at the conference when the Brotherhood arrived at the school, Lara Raith has made a deal with Rune to guide potentially interested students to the Brotherhood.
More on that here. If anyone has students who they want to join the Brotherhood but it's just a case of the player having missed the event, feel free to handwave their having joined, but let us know so that we can update our lists accordingly.
• We'd like to remind everyone that we have a
feedback post on which players can leave complaints, suggestions and feedback if they don't want to message a mod directly. Comments are screened and anonymous is enabled. We do our best to address problems with the game that are raised on this post, and, needless to say, we really really would rather hear your complaints there than on RP!S.
We mess up sometimes. We can't always please everyone. But we will damn well do what we can, especially if you actually tell us if you have a problem.
• As ever, this post is open for talking about what's going down for Xavier Institute classes and stuff, as well as Brotherhood training sessions and similar. We do encourage people to thread classes and mentor group activities where possible rather than just handwaving all of them, but if you don't want to do a thread or you want to plan something or wevs, this is the place!