Wrote an AU character background that you now realise you're not 100% happy with? Got a fresh nugget of your character's canon in the most recent episode that you want to incorporate into their AU backstory? A CRmate just dropped and you want to officially remove them from your character's in-game history rather than have to deal with the fallout? YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE, TRUE BELIEVER.
If you aren't familiar with the term "retcon",
here is a handy explanation. If you are scared of tvtropes, here is a briefer explanation! It's short for "retroactive continuity" and it means what that sounds like: it's when a writer takes something they wrote as canon in the past and decides that ACTUALLY THAT HAPPENED DIFFERENTLY SORRY GUYS. It happens a lot in long-running canons, especially ones with multiple writers, and the term is most prominently associated with mainstream American comic books. So, you know, while we don't advocate doing this AT EVERY AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY, we wouldn't really be keeping within the traditions of the world our game is set in if we didn't allow you guys to pull shit like this when you need to - but you need mod approval first, just to make sure nobody retcons in stuff that we wouldn't have permitted if they'd had it in the character's app in the first place.
SO. If you want a retcon, copy, paste and fill out the following in a comment to this post. We'll probs approve it, but we might want to veto something or talk something over with you.
Character and username: Details of desired retcon: (include ridiculous explanation if you have one)
Reason you want to retcon:Do you want this announced in the next game update? (this is mostly to keep everyone abreast of what's going on with one another!)