Aug 14, 2009 16:54

At the Xavier Institute, all students are put into groups of six to eight students with an assigned classroom. This is to foster a sense of belonging and to give students a member of staff they can go to directly if they need anything. Each group is assigned two staff members so at least one will always be available should something come up. Staff members who've been assigned to groups are encouraged to approach the mentoring in whatever way they feel is appropriate - considering the Xavier Institute's broad and colourful array of staff, this can be anything from buying them dinner and talking about their feelings to making them do extra Danger Room sessions. HAVE FUN.

A full list of groups can be found here.
Characters marked in soft blue are ones newly added to the spreadsheet.


I just apped a new student character, when will they get put into a group?
In the Game Update following the app week they were brought in.
If we've somehow managed to forget a character who should be on a group, please let us know!

I'm playing a staff member and I want them to have a group!
Let us know! Obviously only a few staff members who don't already have homeroom groups can be given new ones every app period; if several people have specifically asked for them it's them we'll probably be giving them to.

Are the homeroom groups super hero training squads?
Since the Institute's official line on student super heroes is a no-no, the groups are most definitely not training squads. This may, of course, change in future. :D

So what do they do in them?
See above - whatever the mentor feels is appropriate. If a teacher wants their group to take part in mandatory cross-country running? They can do that. Take them all on field trips? Also fine. Wear group badges? Still fine! Staff are encouraged to arrange inter-group activities and contests.

Can the mentor groups change?
Yes. This happens inevitably when people drop characters. Students can ask to move groups, but only if there is a student in another group who wants to swap with them, and if their respective mentors are in agreement that this is a good idea. Staff members are allowed to hand their group over to another staff member if they can't handle it any more, but they need Professor Xavier's permission for this and he can be kind of obnoxious about it if he thinks that having to mentor a group of kids is doing a staff member good. (He will, however, be mysteriously compliant on the matter if it's a case of the player not feeling they can keep up with the homeroom group thing any more.)
If you the player have a problem with the homeroom group/s your character/s are in, please feel free to talk to a mod and we'll sort it out!

!mentor groups

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